Mendoza School of Business

Jeffrey Miller

Associate Professor
  386 Mendoza College of Business
  • Biography
  • Background
  • Publications
  • Awards

Jeffrey S. Miller is an Associate Professor in the Accountancy Department at Notre Dame. His research examines the informativeness of discretionary managerial disclosures to security prices and investor judgments. His research has both policy implications for business information disclosure regulation and contributes to the basic understanding of investor and market behaviors.

Professor Miller primarily teaches financial accounting and reporting in the Notre Dame Masters of Business Administration program and the Executive MBA program. Teaching awards include The First-Year MBA Core Professor of the Year (2015), The South Bend Executive MBA Teacher of the Year (2014), The Reverend Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C. Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2007) and the Dincolo Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2000-2001 and 2004-2005).

BS, Ohio State University
MBA, University of Michigan
Ph D, University of Texas at Austin

Areas of Expertise
Financial Accounting and Reporting

Editorial Boards
Ad Hoc Reviewer
The Accounting Review
2001 - 2006

Ad Hoc Reviewer
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
2004 - 2005

Ad Hoc Reviewer
Behavioral Research in Accounting
2003 - 2005

Ad Hoc Reviewer
Contemporary Accounting Research
2003 - 2005

Ad Hoc Reviewer
Accounting, Organizations and Society
2004 - 2004

Ad Hoc Reviewer
Journal of Finance
2003 - 2003

"The Effects of Norms on Investor Reactions to Derivative Use", (With Lisa Koonce, Jennifer Winchel), Contemporary Accounting Research, 32, 2015

"Do Stock Prices Influence Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts?", (With Lisa Sedor), Behavioral Research in Accounting, 26, 2014

"Opportunistic Disclosures of Earnings Forecasts and Non-GAAP Earnings Measures", Journal of Business Ethics, 89, 2009

"Unintended Effects of Preannouncements on Investor Reactions to Earnings News", Contemporary Accounting Research, 23, 2006

"Effects of Preannouncements on Analyst and Stock Price Reactions to Earnings News", Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 24, 2005

"The Effects of Pro Forma Earnings Disclosures on Analysts' and Nonprofessional Investors' Equity Valuation Judgments", (With James Frederickson), The Accounting Review, July, 2004

"Confirming Management Earnings Forecasts, Earnings Uncertainty, and Stock Returns", (With Richard Frankel, Michael Clement), Journal of Accounting Research, 41, 2003

"The Joint Effect of Management Credibility and the Form of Their Financial Forecasts on Investor Judgment", (With E. Hirst, L. Koonce), Journal of Accounting Research, 37, 1999

"Outstanding Professor Award - Master of Business Administration", University of Notre Dame, 2019

"The Leo Burke Outstanding Professor Award", Notre Dame Executive MBA, 2018

"Outsanding Professor Award", Full Time Master of Business Administration, 2017

"Outsanding Professor Award", Full Time Master of Business Administration, 2016

"The Leo Burke Outstanding Professor Award", Notre Dame Executive MBA, 2016

"First-Year MBA Core Professor of the Year", MBA Association, 2015

"South Bend Executive MBA Outstanding Teaching Award", Notre Dame Executive MBA, 2014

"Faculty Fellow - Kaneb Center for Teaching and Learning", 2009

"Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C. Award for Excellence in Teaching", University of Notre Dame, 2007

"Dincolo Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching", 2005

"Dincolo Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching", 2001