Mendoza School of Business

MBA Programs Show Increased Emphasis on Business Ethics

Published: September 26, 2011 / Author: Catherine Groux

The following article in the U.S. News and World Report University Directory mentions the Notre Dame MBA No. 4 worldwide ranking in the Aspen Institute’s Beyond Grey Pinstripes. To read the entire article visit: MBA Programs Show Increased Emphasis on Business Ethics

In the wake of the recent recession, the instructors of many master of business administration (MBA) degree programs began to realize that if their students were to change the course of the nation, they needed to have a broader perspective. USA Today reports that frequently, this new approach involves emphasizing ethics and the importance of treating employees and the public fairly.

Harvard Business School is just one of the many institutions across the country that believe ethics are an important part of an MBA program. Since 2004, the university has required all students to take courses such as Leadership and Corporate Accountability, the USA Today article notes. According to David A. Garvin, a business administration professor at the school, this class teaches students about the ethical responsibility they have to act for the good of future customers, stakeholders and employees.


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