Brittany Solomon

Thomas A. and James J. Bruder Assistant Professor of Administrative Leadership
Management & Organization
346 Mendoza College of Business
- Biography
- Background
- Publications
Brittany Solomon is an assistant professor in Mendoza's Management & Organization Department. She received her Ph.D. in Social-Personality Psychology from Washington University in St. Louis. Professor Solomon's research interests are broadly centered around bias, social perceptions, and social influence. Her work has appeared in top journals such as Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychological Science, Organization Science, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Personnel Psychology.
Ph D, Washington University in St. Louis
MA, Washington University in St. Louis
BA, University of Arizona
Areas of Expertise
bias suppression
political ideology and sociopolitical spillover
identity and social perception
individual differences and partner effects
"Illusory interparty disagreement: Partisans agree on what hate speech to censor but don’t know it", (With Matthew Hall, Abigail Hemmen, James Druckman), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024
"Liberal versus Conservative Distrust: A Construal Level Approach to Dissimilarity in the Workplace", Journal of Applied Psychology - Accepted (awaiting publication)
"When (Non)Differences Make a Difference: The Roles of Demographic Diversity and Ideological Homogeneity in Overcoming Ideologically Biased Decision-Making", (With Matthew Hall), Organization Science, 2023
"When and why bias suppression is difficult to sustain: The asymmetric effect of intermittent accountability", (With Matthew Hall, Cindy Muir), Academy of Management Journal, 2022
"Why disagreeableness (in married men) leads to earning more: A theory and test of social exchange at home", (With Matthew Hall, Cindy Muir, Elizabeth Campbell), Personnel Psychology, 75, 2022
"Does educational attainment promote job satisfaction? The bittersweet trade-offs between job resources, demands, and stress", (With Boris Nikolaev, Dean Shepherd), Journal of Applied Psychology, 107, 2022
"Knowledge of identity and reputation: Do people have knowledge of others' perceptions?", (With Simine Vazire), Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2016
"The long reach of one’s spouse: Spousal personality influences occupational success", (With Joshua Jackson), Psychological Science, 25, 2014
"Why does personality predict divorce? Three possible pathways", (With Joshua Jackson), Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106, 2014
"You are so beautiful… to me: Seeing beyond bias and achieving accuracy in romantic relationships", (With Simine Vazire), Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 107, 2014
"A randomized, controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic pain", (With Julie Wetherell, Niloo Afari, J. Sorrell, J. Stoddard, Andrew Petkus, D. Lehman, L. Liu, A. Lang, J. Atkinson), Pain, 152, 2011