Daniels’ economic task is tall one. State deficit, rising rates obstacles to growth, jobs.
November, 2004, Indianapolis Star cites Professor Jeffrey Bergstrand.
Norm Star -
ND, Purdue MBA programs rise in survey
November 2004, South Bend Tribune.
Mendoza College -
Employee ownership key to success, executive says
September 2004, South Bend Tribune, Cardinal O’Hara Lecture Series.
Andrew Tribune -
Outsourcing is seen as positive
September 2004, South Bend Tribune, Professors Jeffrey Bergstrand, Lee Krajewski, Patrick Murphy and Oliver Williams discuss the implications of outsourcing.
Andrew Tribune -
Home sales return to usual pace
August 2004, Indianapolis Star, cites Professor Jeffrey Bergstrand.
Norm Star -
Seeing Google with the eyes of Forrest Gump
August 2004, New York Times, Professor Tim Loughran comments on the attention being given to Google’s IPO.
GARY Times -
Taking stock
August 2004, Wall Street Journal, Professor Ann Sherman on the company’s IPO.
Erin Journal -
Taking Martha private
August 2004, CNN/Money, Professor Jim O’Rourke comments on the possibility of taking Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia private.
Krysten writer -
ND professor sees rocky road ahead
July 2004, South Bend Tribune, Professor Jim O’Rourke on the Martha Stewart sentencing.
Carol Tribune -
“Quiet Period” adds to mystery surrounding Google auction
July 2004, Newhouse News, Professor Ann Sherman discusses the Google IPO..
Sam Service