Fighting Irish To Host Special Veterans Day Event
Published: November 11, 2014 / Author: Notre Dame Athletics
NOTRE DAME, Ind. – In honor of Veterans Day the Fighting Irish men’s lacrosse team in conjunction with the University of Notre Dame MBA Veterans Club will host a special event and Notre Dame students along with members of the community have a chance to join in the action.
The WOD with Warriors Armistice will be held from 7-8:30 p.m. (ET) on Tuesday inside the Loftus Sports Center on the Notre Dame campus. WOD with Warriors is a functional fitness tribute workout held twice a year on Veterans Day and Memorial Day at gyms all throughout the country.
Those attending are asked to arrive a few minutes early to check in and sign a waiver for participation. There is no cost to participate.
The purpose of the event is two-fold:
1. To help people remember and observe Veterans Day and Memorial Day in a respectful and meaningful way.
2. To provide an opportunity for veterans to connect to members of their community through functional fitness.
“We are excited to partner with the MBA veterans, ROTC and others from the Notre Dame community to work and sweat together as a way to recognize the service that veterans have provided for our freedom,” Notre Dame head coach Kevin Corrigan says. “It should be a fun and challenging evening.”
Andy Dytrych, a U.S. Army veteran and current MBA candidate at Notre Dame, is the South Bend chapter captain of Team Red, White and Blue and he is helping to coordinate Tuesday’s event.
“This event is significant because it not only shows the dedication that the Notre Dame men’s lacrosse team has in serving its community and remembering veterans, but the strong bonds that the University of Notre Dame has with the military community, both past and present,” Dytrych, a former football player at the United States Military Academy, says. “We, as a veteran community, are honored to be recognized by the Notre Dame men’s lacrosse team and thank them for all they do for our nation’s veterans.
“Tuesday’s event is being held to honor our nation’s veterans on the day set aside to remember the sacrifice of those who have served our great nation. Team Red, White, and Blue is the sponsor of the event and they seek to connect veterans with their local community through physical and social activity. The South Bend chapter has strong ties with Notre Dame and is looking to build new relationships throughout the South Bend/Michiana area.”
About “Armistice” — Veterans Day WOD
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War. This Armistice Day was later re-named Veterans Day.
At exactly 11 a.m., each November 11th, a color guard, made up of members from each of the military branches, renders honors to America’s war dead during a ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery.
• The 11-based rep scheme represents the rich history of Veterans Day.
• The two-minutes of rest/reflection represents this moment of silence at the tomb of the unknowns.
• The first round of work represents veterans of wars past, and the second round of work represents veterans of present and future wars.
Modified versions of classic military exercises are meant to help connect veterans and the greater community to connect after the accomplishment of shared hardship during this WOD.
The WOD – “Armistice”
9-minute AMRAP
100-meter sprint
11 sit-ups
11 air squats
100-meter sprint
22 sit-ups
22 air squats
100-meter sprint
33 sit-ups
33 air squats
*add 11 to the sit-ups and air squats for each additional round
2 minutes of rest, followed by:
9-minute AMRAP
100-meter sprint
11 pushups
11 box jumps (RX 24″/20″)
100-meter sprint
22 pushups
22 box jumps (RX 24″/20″)
100-meter sprint
33 pushups
33 box jumps (RX 24″/20″)
*add 11 to the pushups and box jumps for each round