Mendoza School of Business

Mendoza series to explore trends in next decade

Published: January 25, 2008 / Author: Carol Newswriting

From terrorism to immigration to what it means to be “green,” national experts will present their views of the next decade of change in vital areas impacting American lives during the 2008 Ten Years Hence speaker series, an annual event sponsored by the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame.

The spring series of seven lectures will run from Feb. 1 to April 25, with the talks to be held on Fridays at 10:40 a.m. in Mendoza’s Jordan Auditorium. The schedule is as follows:

• Feb. 1: Erik Peterson, senior vice president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, “Seven Revolutions”

• Feb. 22: Karen Hunt Ahmed, professor of finance, DePaul University, “Globalization and Finance: The Future of Islamic Finance”

• March 14: George Borjas, Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, “The Economics of Immigration and Immigration Policy”

• March 28: James B. Quilligan, managing director of the Centre for Global Negotiations, “Convention on the Global Commons”

• April 4: Gen. James L. Jones, president and chief executive officer of the U.S. Chamber Institute for 21st Century Energy, “Energy Security”

• April 11: Anne Thompson, NBC News chief environmental correspondent, “Green is the ‘New Black,’ but Will it Stay in Style?”

• April 25: Rev. Edward A. Malloy, C.S.C., president emeritus of Notre Dame, “Terrorism: Looking Ahead Through Patterns of the Past”

Ten Years Hence has been offered since 2005 as a signature series of the Mendoza College. The speakers are invited to forecast the major national and global trends in their areas of expertise, with each lecture followed by a question-and-answer period.

The intention of the series is to develop a sense of a “knowable future” in a dynamic world, so that trends can be anticipated and positively influenced. The lectures are free and open to the public.

For more information about the speakers, visit the Ten Years Hence Web site.

Contact: Carol Elliott, director of newswriting, Mendoza College of Business, 574-631-2627 or



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