Mendoza School of Business

Postal Workers Fight Back against cuts?

Published: September 22, 2011 / Author: Amanda Tetlak

The following article on quotes Management Professor Jim O’Rourke about the Postal Service cutting jobs and closing branches. To read the entire article and view the video visit: Postal Workers Fight Back against cuts?

The Post Office is one of the few government agencies which traditionally does not lay off workers. Until now.

There’s talk of cutting more than 200,000 jobs and closing up to 300 distribution plants nationwide. One of those plants is in South Bend, and that has hundreds of local employees ready to fight back against what they feel is unfair.

“This country simply can not afford to not have a Postal Service,” says Dr. Jim O’Rourke, a Notre Dame University management professor.

“I think people forget how important the mail is, it’s a national treasure,” says Mary Dando with the United States Postal Service.


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