Mendoza School of Business

Workplace Bullies Target the Unattractive

Published: July 31, 2013 / Author: Rachel Silverman

The following is an excerpt from an article in The Wall Street Journal that quotes Management Professor Tim Judge about his research studying attractiveness and bullying in the workplace. To read the entire article (subscription needed to view) visit: Workplace Bullies Target the Unattractive

More evidence that there is little difference between the office and a high school cafeteria: workplace bullies tend to pick on colleagues who are considered unattractive, according to a new study.

Researchers Timothy Judge of the University of Notre Dame in Indiana and Brent Scott of Michigan State University surveyed 114 workers at a health-care facility to find out how often co-workers bullied them. Bullying was defined as acting rudely, teasing or saying hurtful statements.


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