Information Systems Research
Rigorous and impactful research into information technologies and data analytics in business and society.
Selected Recent Publications:
Abbasi, A., Li, J., Adjeroh, D., Abate, M., & Zheng, W. (2019). Don’t Mention It? Analyzing User-Generated Content Signals for Early Adverse Event Warnings. Information Systems Research, 30(3), 1007-1028.
Abbasi, A., Dobolyi, D., Vance, A., & Zahedi, F. M. (2021). The phishing funnel model: A design artifact to predict user susceptibility to phishing websites. Information Systems Research, 32(2), 410-436.
Abbasi, A., Chiang, R. H. L., and Xu, J. (2023). Data Science for Social Good, Journal of the Association for Information Systems.
Adjerid, I., Angst, C., Devaraj, S., Berente, N. (2023) “Does Analytics Help Resolve Equivocality in the Healthcare Context? Contrasting Effects of Analyzability and Variety,” Journal of the AIS, Vol. 24, No. 3.
Berente, N., Gu, B., Recker, J., & Santhanam, R. (2021) Managing Artificial Intelligence. MIS Quarterly, 45(3), 1433-1450.
Berente, N., Lyytinen, K., Yoo, Y., & Maurer, C. (2019). Institutional logics and pluralistic responses to enterprise system implementation: a qualitative meta-analysis. MIS Quarterly, 43(3), 873-902.
Berente, N., Seidel, S., & Safadi, H. (2019). Data-driven computationally intensive theory development. Information Systems Research, 30(1), 50-64.
Berente, N., Salge, C., Mallampalli, V.K.T., Park, K. (2022) “Rethinking Project Escalation: An Institutional Perspective on the Persistence of Failing Large-Scale Information System Projects,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(3), 640-672.
D’Arcy, J., Adjerid, I., Angst, C. M., & Glavas, A. (2020). Too Good to Be True: Firm Social Performance and the Risk of Data Breach. Information Systems Research, 1-45.
Gal, U., Berente, N., Chasin, F. (2022) “Technology Lifecycles and Digital Innovation: Patterns of discourse across levels of abstraction: A study of Wikipedia articles,” Journal of the AIS, Vol.23, No.5.
Ghose, A., Lee, H.A., Oh, W., and Son, Y. (forthcoming) Leveraging the Digital Tracing Alert in Virus Fight: The Impact of COVID-19 Cell Broadcast on Population Movement” Information Systems Research.
Greenwood, B. N., Ganju, K. K., & Angst, C. M. (2019). How does the implementation of enterprise information systems affect a professional’s mobility? An empirical study. Information Systems Research, 30(2), 563-594.
Guo, H., Hao, L., Mukhopadhyay, T., & Sun, D. (2019). Selling Virtual Currency in Digital Games: Implications for Gameplay and Social Welfare. Information Systems Research, 30(2), 430-446.
Jiang, Z., Qu, X., & Jain, D.C. (2019) Optimal Market Entry Timing for Successive Generations of Technological Innovations, MIS Quarterly, 43(3). 787-806
Kitchens, B., Claggett, J., and Abbasi, A. (forthcoming). Timely, Granular, and Actionable: Designing a Social Listening Platform for Public Health 3.0, MIS Quarterly.
Lee, S. Y., Son, Y., & Oh, W. (2021) Effectiveness of Integrated Offline-and-Online Promotions in Omnichannel Targeting: A Randomized Field Experiment, Journal of Management Information Systems.
Li, J., Larsen, K., & Abbasi, A. (2020). TheoryOn: A design framework and system for unlocking behavioral knowledge through ontology learning. MIS Quarterly, 1-48.
Lindberg, A., Schecter, A., Berente, N., Lyytinen, K., Hennel, P. (forthcoming) “The Entrainment of Task Allocation and Release Cycles in Open Source Software Development” MIS Quarterly.
Miranda, S., Berente, N., Seidel, S., Safadi, H., & Burton-Jones, A. (2022). Computationally Intensive Theory Construction: A Primer for Authors and Reviewers. MIS Quarterly, 46(2), iii-xviii.
Park, J., Son, Y., & Angst, C. M. Value of Centralized IT in Building Resilience During Crises: Evidence from U.S. Higher Education’s Transition to Emergency Remote Teaching. MIS Quarterly, forthcoming.
Qu, X. and Jiang, Z. (2019) A Time-Based Dynamic Synchronization Policy for Consolidated Database Systems, MIS Quarterly, (43: 4) pp.1041-1057.
Son, Y., Oh, W., Han, S. P., & Park, S. (2020). When Loyalty Goes Mobile: Effects of Mobile Loyalty Apps on Purchase, Redemption, and Competition. Information Systems Research.
Son, Y., Oh, W., Im, I. (forthcoming) The Voice of Commerce: How Smart Speakers Reshape Digital Content Consumption and Preference. MIS Quarterly.
Son, Y., and Oh, W. (forthcoming) Digitalization of Loyalty: Impacts of Mobile Technology on Reward Redemption and Engagement Level. Journal of Management Information Systems.
Yang, K., Lau, R.Y.K., and Abbasi, A. (2023) “Getting Personal: A Deep Learning Artifact for Text-based Measurement of Personality,” Information Systems Research.
Yoo, C., E. Yoo, L. Yan, A.J. Pedraza-Martinez, A.J. (forthcoming). Speak with One Voice? Examining Content Coordination and Social Media Engagement during Disasters. Information Systems Research.