Honors and Fellows Programs
Instead of only considering academic achievement, the Business Honors Program also evaluates an applicant’s desire to apply business for the good of society. Offering colloquia, a mentorship program, tutoring services, volunteer opportunities and more, the Business Honors Program creates a community of like-minded undergraduate students as they learn from courses such as Why Business? and the Noble Vocation of Business to apply Catholic social thought in today’s business world.
Business Honors ProgramThe Business Ethics and Society Program (BESP) Fellows admits students from the Mendoza College of Business chosen in a competitive application process for a one-year experience beginning in the fall semester. BESP Fellows supplement the standard course of business studies with a deeper appreciation of the philosophical, theological, economic and moral foundations of business careers and commercial society. This seminar-style, small-group program includes special guest lectures, catered dinners and fascinating discussions.
BESP FellowsMendoza Research Honors Program (MRHP) is designed to be interdisciplinary across Mendoza College of Business disciplines to broaden your perspective and potential interests that inform business research. As a UBRP scholar, you will engage in lively and constructive research discussions with one another as you learn about the research process and engage in your own research. For those interested in pursuing an academic career, the program can serve as a pathway to explore a graduate school-like experience, preparing you to be competitive in top doctoral programs.
Mendoza Research Honors ProgramThe International Business Fellows Program is offered as a course affiliated with and organized by the Business Ethics and Society Program. This course recognizes a select number of undergraduate students who are interested in global affairs, want to explore the nature of honorable business within our globalized world and seek to explore the ethical and professional challenges and opportunities for pursuing business as a force for good in the international context.
International Business FellowsStudent Perspective
Justin Caccavo BBA ’25
Before coming to Notre Dame, Justin completed an internship at Hudson Bay Capital, which confirmed his interest in finance. But after starting college, Caccavo realized there can be a stigma of greed or selfishness associated with being a finance major. Joining the Business Honors Program, taking the required courses and hearing from guest speakers at the colloquia allowed him to conceptualize how he could use business in a way that helps others.
“It’s so important to believe in what you’re doing and know you’re on the right path in life. The Business Honors Program is helping with that. It helped me see that finance can be a really good way to help people and contribute to society.”
More About Mendoza's Undergraduate Program
Explore the links below to learn more about the Undergraduate program at Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. Ready to apply? Go to admissions.nd.edu/apply.