Mendoza School of Business

Jason Colquitt

Franklin D. Schurz Professor of Management; Academic Director of the Ph.D. Program in Management
Management & Organization
  363A Mendoza College of Business
  • Biography
  • Background
  • Publications

Jason A. Colquitt is the Franklin D. Schurz Professor in the Department of Management & Organization at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. He previously served as a faculty member at the University of Georgia and the University of Florida. Professor Colquitt received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University’s Eli Broad College of Business and earned his B.S. in Psychology from Indiana University. His research interests include justice, trust, work meaning, personality, and identity. He has published more than fifty articles on these and other topics in Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, among other outlets. He is a past Editor-in-Chief of Academy of Management Journal and previously served as an Associate Editor for that journal. Professor Colquitt is currently serving on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, and Administrative Science Quarterly. He was a recipient of the Cummings Scholar Award for early to mid-career achievement, sponsored by the Organizational Behavior division of the Academy of Management. He also authors one of the top-selling organizational behavior textbooks, now in its eighth edition.

Ph D, Michigan State University
BS, Indiana University

"Third-Party Perceptions of Mistreatment: A Meta-Analysis and Integrative Model of Reactions to Perpetrators and Victims", (With Edwyna Hill, Rachel Burgess, Manuela Priesemuth, Jefferson McClain), Journal of Applied Psychology, 110

"Syllabus Share: A New Metric for Gauging Journal Status", (With David Long, Rich Gentry), Journal of Management Education, 48, 2024

"Forever focused on fairness: 75 years of organizational justice in Personnel Psychology", (With Edwyna Hill, David DeCremer), Personnel Psychology, 76, 2023

"Continue the story or turn the page? Coworker reactions to inheriting a legacy", (With Tyler Sabey, Michael Pfarrer, Jessica Rodell, Edwyna Hill), Academy of Management Review, 48, 2023

"Content validation guidelines: Evaluation criteria for definitional correspondence and definitional distinctiveness", (With T Sabey, J Rodell, E Hill), Journal of Applied Psychology, 104, 2019

"Bringing the beholder center stage: On the propensity to perceive overall fairness", (With K Zipay, J Lynch, R Outlaw), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 148, 2018

"Pacification or aggravation? The effects of talking about supervisor unfairness", (With M Baer, J Rodell, R Dhensa-Kahlon, K Zipay, R Burgess, R Outlaw), Academy of Management Journal, 61, 2018

"Trusting the look and feel: Situational normality, situational aesthetics, and the perceived trustworthiness of organizations", (With M Baer, L Van der Werff, J Rodell, K Zipay, F Buckley), Academy of Management Journal, 61, 2018

"Is adhering to justice rules enough? The role of charismatic qualities in perceptions of supervisors' overall fairness", (With J Rodell, M Baer), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 140, 2017

"Is consistently unfair better than sporadically fair? An investigation of justice variability and stress", (With F Matta, B Scott, J Koopman, L Passantino), Academy of Management Journal, 60, 2017

"Uneasy lies the head that bears the trust: The effects of feeling trusted on emotional exhaustion", (With M Baer, R Dhensa-Kahlon, J Rodell, D Long), Academy of Management Journal, 58, 2015

"What will the boss think? The impression management implications of supportive relationships with star and project peers", (With D Long, M Baer, R Outlaw, R Dhensa-Kahlon), Personnel Psychology, 68, 2015

"Scale indicators of social exchange relationships: A comparison of relative content validity", (With M Baer, D Long, M Halvorsen-Ganepola), Journal of Applied Psychology, 99, 2014

"Justice at the millennium, a decade later: A meta-analytic test of social exchange and affect-based perspectives", (With B Scott, J Rodell, D Long, C Zapata, D Conlon, M Wesson), Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, 2013

"Explaining the justice-performance relationship: Trust as exchange deepener or trust as uncertainty reducer?", (With J LePine, R Piccolo, C Zapata, B Rich), Journal of Applied Psychology, 97, 2012

"Trust in typical and high reliability contexts: Antecedents and consequences of trust among firefighters", (With J LePine, C Zapata, R Wild), Academy of Management Journal, 54, 2011

"A daily investigation of the role of manager empathy on employee well-being", (With B Scott, E Paddock, T Judge), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 113, 2010

"Procedural justice, interactional justice, and task performance: The mediating role of intrinsic motivation", (With C Zapata-Phelan, B Scott, B Livingston), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 108, 2009

"Trends in theory building and theory testing: A five-decade study of Academy of Management Journal", (With C Zapata-Phelan), Academy of Management Journal, 50, 2007

"Justice and personality: Using integrative theories to derive moderators of justice effects", (With B Scott, T Judge, J Shaw), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 100, 2006

"Justice in teams: The context-sensitivity of justice rules across individual and team contexts", (With C Jackson), Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36, 2006

"Psychological collectivism: A measurement validation and linkage to group member performance", (With C Jackson, M Wesson, C Zapata-Phelan), Journal of Applied Psychology, 91, 2006

"Shared and configural justice: A social network model of justice in teams", (With Q Roberson), Academy of Management Review, 30, 2005

"Organizational justice and stress: The mediating role of work-family conflict", (With T Judge), Journal of Applied Psychology, 89, 2004

"Conscientiousness, autonomy fit, and employee development: A longitudinal field study", (With M Simmering, R Noe, C Porter), Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 2003

"To justify or excuse?: A meta-analysis of the effects of explanations", (With J Shaw, R Wild), Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 2003

"Computer-assisted communication and team decision-making performance: The moderating effect of openness to experience", (With J Hollenbeck, D Ilgen, J LePine, L Sheppard), Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 2002

"Gender composition, situational strength, and team decision-making accuracy: A criterion decomposition approach", (With J LePine, J Hollenbeck, D Ilgen, A Ellis), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 88, 2002

"Justice in teams: Antecedents and consequences of procedural justice climate", (With R Noe, C Jackson), Personnel Psychology, 55, 2002

"Justice at the millennium: A meta-analytic review of 25 years of organizational justice research", (With D Conlon, M Wesson, C Porter, K Ng), Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 2001

"Accuracy decomposition and team decision making: Testing theoretical boundary conditions", (With J Hollenbeck, D Ilgen, J LePine, J Hedlund), Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 1998

"Extending the Multilevel Theory of team decision making: effects of feedback and experience in hierarchical teams", (With J Hollenbeck, D Ilgen, J LePine, J Hedlund), Academy of Management Journal, 41, 1998