Ann E. Tenbrunsel (Ph.D., Northwestern University; M.B.A. Northwestern University; B.S.I.O.E. University of Michigan) is the David E. Gallo Professor of Business Ethics in the College of Business Administration at the University of Notre Dame. Her research interests focus on the psychology of ethical decision making, examining why employees, leaders and students behave unethically, despite their best intentions to behave to the contrary. Ann is the author, co-author, or co-editor of six books on this topic—including Blind Spots (with Max Bazerman), Behavioral Ethics: Shaping an Emerging Field (with David De Cremer), Codes of Conduct: Behavioral Research into Business Ethics (with David Messick)—and over 50 research articles and chapters. Her research has been featured in interviews airing on MSNBC and National Public Radio, and adaptations, excerptions and references to her work have appeared in a variety of publications, including the New York Times, US News and World Report, AP, NBC, ABC, Sports Illustrated, ESPN, The Guardian, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Huffington Post, Washington Post, Washington Examiner, The Globe and Mail, Ethisphere Magazine, Investor's Business Daily, and in blogs for Psychology Today and Freakonomics.
Ann teaches at the executive, MBA, and undergraduate levels. Prior to entering academics, Ann worked as an engineer for S.C. Johnson & Son and and as a sales and marketing consultant for ZS Associates.
"Bridging the Chasm between Intentions and Behaviors: Developing and Testing a Construal Level Theory of Internal Whistle-Blowing", (With Abhijeet Vadera, Kristina Diekmann), Organization Science, 36, 2025
"The opportunities and challenges of behavioral field research on misconduct", (With Ian Larkin, Lamar Pierce, Shaul Salvi, ), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 166, 2021
"Bounded Ethicality and Ethical Fading in Negotiations: Understanding Unintended Unethical Behavior", (With McKenzie Rees, Max Bazerman), Academy of Management Perspectives, 30, 2019
"Sexual Harassment in Academia: The Role of Ethical Climates and Bounded Ethicality", (With McKenzie Rees, Kristina Diekmann, ), Annual Review of Psychology, 70, 2019
"The Moral Self-Image Scale: Measuring and Understanding the Malleability of the Moral Self", (With Jennifer Jordan, Marijke Leliveld, Ann Tenbrunsel), Frontiers in Psychology, Cognitive Science Section, 6, 2015
"Behavioral Ethics: A Story of Increased Breadth and Depth", (With Dolly Chugh), Current Opinions in Psychology, 2015
"The ethics fix: When formal systems make a difference.", (With Kristin Smith-Crowe, Suzanne Chan-Serafin, Art Brief, Elizabeth Umphress, Joseph Josh), Journal of Business Ethics, 131, 2015
"Just Think About It? Cognitive Complexity and Moral Choice", (With Celia Moore), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 123, 2014
"Double-victimization in the workplace: Why observers condemn passive sexual harassment victims and how to reduce this interpersonal condemnation", (With Tina Diekmann, Adam Galinsky, Sheli Sillito-Walker), Organization Science, 24, 2013
"Effective Matrices, Decision Frames, and Cooperation in Volunteer Dilemmas: A Theoretical Perspective on Academic Peer Review", (With Greg Northcraft), Organization Science, 2011
"Regulating ethical failures: Insights from Psychology", (With David De Cremer, M van Dijke), Journal of Business Ethics, 95, 2011
"Understanding Ethical Behavior and Decision Making in Management: A Behavioural Business Ethics Approach", (With David De Cremer, Rolf van Dick, Madan Pillutla, Keith Murnighan), British Journal of Management, 22, 2011
"Blind Spots in our Ethical Behavior: Part 2", (With Max Bazerman), Ethisphere, 2011
"Stumbling Into Bad Behavior", (With Max Bazerman), New York Times, 2011
"Blind Spots in our Ethical Behavior: Part 1", (With Max Bazerman), Ethisphere, 2010
"Ethics in Today's Business World: Reflections from Business Scholars", Journal of Business Ethics, 80, 2008
"When Sacred Issues are at Stake", (With Max Bazerman, Kim Wade-Benzoni), Negotiation Journal, January, 2008
"When you're tempted to deceive", (With Kristina Diekmann), Negotiation, 10, 2008
"Today’s Ethical Issues: A Perspective from Accounting, Finance, Management and Marketing", (With ), Journal of Business Ethics, 70, 2007