Mendoza School of Business

Frank Germann

Chair of the Marketing Department; Viola D. Hank Associate Professor of Marketing
  389A Mendoza College of Business
  • Biography
  • Background
  • Publications
  • Books
  • Awards

Frank Germann is the Chair of the Marketing Department and Viola D. Hank Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. Before entering academia, he held various industry positions, including European Quality Manager at Hewlett-Packard (Spain) and Regional Sales Manager at Johnson&Johnson (Switzerland). He has also served as a Visiting Professor at HEC Paris, as an Academic Advisor to McKinsey & Co.'s Datamatics team and as an external researcher for the World Bank.

Professor Germann’s research interests are in the area of marketing strategy. More specifically, he is interested in how marketing actions (e.g., the use of marketing analytics), marketing personnel (e.g., marketing coaches), and marketing assets (e.g., brands) influence firm performance. His research has been published in leading marketing journals, including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, and the Journal of Retailing. His research has also been featured in the Harvard Business Review, by the Marketing Science Institute as part of the Institute's journal selections initiative, on NPR, Today (NBC), The Atlantic, CBC, and USA Today, among others.

Professor Germann has received teaching awards at Penn State (2011) and Notre Dame (2014, 2017, & 2020), and some of his articles have won (e.g., 2021 AMA/Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award; 2020 Sheth Foundation / Journal of Marketing Award; 2013 Best Paper Award of the International Journal of Research in Marketing) or been finalists of (2015 and 2021 Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award; 2015 Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award; 2016 William R. Davidson Award) prestigious research awards. He was selected as a 2017 Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Young Scholar, a 2023 MSI Scholar, and he won the 2021 Varadarajan Award for Early Career Contributions to Marketing Strategy Research. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Marketing and an Area Editor of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. He received a Best Reviewer award from the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science in 2017, an Outstanding Reviewer award from the Journal of Marketing in 2018, and an Outstanding Area Editor Award from the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science in 2024. He served on the American Marketing Association’s Academic Council from 2021 - 2024, and he is co-author of the textbook “Marketing Analytics: Based on First Principles” (Bloomsbury Publishing).

Ph D, Penn State
Master of Applied Statistics, Penn State
MBA, University of Notre Dame

Areas of Expertise
Marketing Strategy
Customer Analytics
Marketing in the C-Suite
Brand Management

Editorial Boards
Associate Editor
Journal of Marketing
April 1, 2024

Associate Editor
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
March 1, 2021

Editorial Board Member
Journal of Marketing Research
August 2, 2018

Editorial Board Member
Journal of Marketing
November 13, 2017 - March, 2024

"Getting the Board on Board: Marketing Department Power and Board Interlocks", (With Peter Ebbes, Rajdeep Grewal), Journal of Marketing Research, 62, 2025

"Frontiers: Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Empowering Female Entrepreneurs Through Female Mentors", (With Stephen Anderson, Pradeep Chintagunta, Naufel Vilcassim), Marketing Science, 43, 2024

"The Uptrend Effect: Encouraging Healthy Behaviors Through Greater Inferred Normativity", (With John Costello, Aaron Garvey, James Wilkie), Journal of Marketing Research, 61, 2024

"A Taxonomy of Marketing Organizations", (With Leigh McAlister, Natalie Chisam, Pete Hayes, Adriana Lynch, Bill Stewart), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51, 2023

"A Call for Research at the Public Policy–Marketing Strategy Interface", (With Natalie Chisam, Robert Palmatier), Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 41, 2022

"It’s Gotta Be the Shoes! Performance Enhancement Effects of Novel Brand Advertising", (With Aaron Garvey), Journal of Advertising, 51

"Do Marketers Matter for Entrepreneurs? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Uganda", (With Steven Anderson, Pradeep Chintagunta, Naufel Vilscassim), Journal of Marketing, 85, 2021

"Do Retailers Get Blamed When Manufacturer Brands Fail? Measurement of Multi-Loci Attributions and Spillover Effects", (With Ronald Hess, Margaret Meloy), Review of Marketing Research, 18

"Driving Customer Analytics from the Top", (With Gary Lilien, Christine Moorman, Lars Fiedler, Till Grossmass), Customer Needs and Solutions, 7, 2020

"Relating Online, Regional, and National Advertising to Firm Value", (With Hari Sridhar, Charles Kang, Rajdeep Grewal), Journal of Marketing, 80, 2016

"Performance Brand Placebos: How Brands Improve Performance and Consumers Take the Credit", (With Aaron Garvey, Lisa Bolton), Journal of Consumer Research, 42, 2016

"Washing Away Your Sins? Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Social Irresponsibility, and Firm Performance", (With Charles Kang, Rajdeep Grewal), Journal of Marketing, 80, 2016

"The Chief Marketing Officer Matters", (With Peter Ebbes, Rajdeep Grewal), Journal of Marketing, 79, 2015

"Do Retailers Benefit from Deploying Customer Analytics?", (With Gary Lilien, Lars Fiedler, Matthias Kraus), Journal of Retailing, 90, 2014

"Product Recalls and the Moderating Role of Brand Commitment", (With Rajdeep Grewal, William Ross, Jr., Rajendra Srivastava), Marketing Letters, 25, 2014

"Koenig Kunde - Kapital Kundenwissen", (With Lars Fiedler, Matthias Kraus, Jesko Perrey), Akzente (German McKinsey journal), 3/2013, 2013

"Performance Implications of Deploying Marketing Analytics", (With Gary Lilien, Arvind Rangaswamy), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 30, 2013

"Marketing Analytics: Based on First Principles", (With Robert Palmatier, J. Petersen), Bloomsbury Academic, 2022

"Office of the Dean Mission Award", Mendoza College of Business, 2024

"Marketing Strategy Consortium Faculty Counselor", University of Cologne (Germany), 2024

"Outstanding Area Editor Award, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science", Academy of Marketing Science, 2024

"AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow", BI Norwegian Business School, 2023

"MSI Scholar", Marketing Science Institute, 2022

"AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow", University of Texas, Austin, 2022

"2021 AMA/Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award", American Marketing Association, 2022

"Office of the Dean Mission Award", Mendoza College of Business, 2022

"AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow", Indiana University, 2021

"Varadarajan Award", American Marketing Association, 2021

"Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C. Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching", University of Notre Dame, 2020

"2020 Sheth Foundation / Journal of Marketing Award", American Marketing Association & Sheth Foundation, 2020

"Marketing Strategy Consortium Faculty Fellow", Indiana University, 2019

"AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow", University of Leeds, 2018

"2018 Outstanding Reviewer Award", Journal of Marketing, 2018

"2017 Best Reviewer Award", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), 2017

"James Dincolo Teaching Award", University of Notre Dame, 2017

"2017 MSI Young Scholar", Marketing Science Institute (MSI), 2016

"Marketing Science Institute/ H. Paul Root award (Finalist)", American Marketing Association, 2016

"Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard award (Finalist)", American Marketing Association, 2016

"Davidson Award (Honorable Mention)", Journal of Retailing, 2016

"IJRM 2013 Best Paper Award", European Marketing Academy, 2014

"James Dincolo Teaching Award", University of Notre Dame, 2014

"Ossian R. MacKenzie Teaching Award", The Pennsylvania State University, 2011

"Overall Best Conference Paper Award", American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, 2010

"Beta Gamma Sigma", 2005

"STAR Award", Hewlett-Packard, 2004