Mendoza School of Business

John Busenbark

Mary Jo and Richard M. Kovacevich Associate Professor of Management & Organization
Management & Organization
  351 Mendoza College of Business
  • Biography
  • Background
  • Publications
  • Books

John R. Busenbark is the Mary Jo and Richard M. Kovacevich Associate Professor of Management & Organization in the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame. He holds a PhD in Strategic Management from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, and he received an MBA with a concentration in Finance from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.

John's primary research interests include corporate governance and research methods. Within corporate governance, John studies behavioral capital markets, the information economics of voluntary disclosure, and boards of directors, among other related topics. John's research methods interests include endogeneity, non-spherical disturbances, model specification, and construct operationalization. John was the 2021 recipient of the Sage Publications/James R. Lawrence Early Career Achievement Award in Research Methods from the Academy of Management.

In addition to his research, John is on the Editorial Review Board for Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Academy of Management Review, Personnel Psychology, and Organizational Research Methods. He is also a Co-Editor for the peer-reviewed book Research Methodology in Strategy and Management.

Ph D, Arizona State University - W.P. Carey School of Business
MBA, Indiana University - Kelley School of Business
BS, Indiana University

Areas of Expertise
Corporate Governance
Research Methods
Information Economics
Strategic Leadership

"Organization-investor fit: The role of temporal preferences in shaping investor attraction and organizational performance", (With Danny Gamache, Adam Steinbach, Eric Lee, James Matusik), Personnel Psychology, 2024

"How music theory can inform competitive dynamics: Anticipatory awareness and successful preemption", (With Eric Lee, Michael Withers, Edward Zajac), Academy of Management Review - Accepted (awaiting publication)

"Out of shape: The implications of (extremely) nonnormal dependent variables", (With S. Trevis Certo, Kristen Raney, Latifa Albader), Organizational Research Methods, 2024

"A Bayesian approach to nested data analysis: A primer for strategic management research", (With S. Certo, Kristen Raney, Latifa Albader), Strategic Organization, 2024

"Director departure following political ideology (in)congruence with an incoming CEO", (With Jonathan Bundy, M.K. Chin), Strategic Management Journal, 44, 2023

"The performance impact of marketing dualities: A response surface approach to resolving empirical challenges", (With Youngtak Kim, Seung-Hawn Jeong, Son Lam), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50, 2022

"Corporate-level influences on internal capital allocation: The role of financial analyst performance projections", (With Matthew Semadeni, Mathias Arrfelt, Michael Withers), Strategic Management Journal, 43, 2022

"Omitted variable bias: Examining management research with the impact threshold of a confounding variable (ITCV)", (With Hyunjung (Elle) Yoon, Daniel Gamache, Michael Withers), Journal of Management, 48, 2022

"A marginal effects approach to main effects and moderation", (With Scott Graffin, Robert Campbell, Eric Lee), Organizational Research Methods, 25, 2022

"Retaining problems or solutions? The post‐acquisition performance implications of director retention", (With Robert Campbell, Scott Graffin, Steven Boivie), Strategic Management Journal, 42, 2021

"How the severity gap influences the effect of top actor performance on outcomes following a violation", (With Nathan Marshall, Brian Miller, Michael Pfarrer), Strategic Management Journal, 40

"Divided we fall: How ratios undermine research in strategic management", (With S. Trevis Certo, Jeff LePine, Matias Kalm), Organizational Research Methods, 23

"BS in the boardroom: Benevolent sexism and board chair orientations", (With Abbie Oliver, Ryan Krause, Matias Kalm), Strategic Management Journal, 39

"Foreshadowing as impression management: Illuminating the path for security analysts", (With Don Lange, S. Trevis Certo), Strategic Management Journal, 12

"A review of the internal capital allocation literature: Piecing together the capital allocation puzzle", (With Robert Wiseman, Mathias Arrfelt, Hyun-Soo Woo), Journal of Management, 43

"Sample selection bias and Heckman models in strategic management research", (With S. Trevis Certo, Hyun-Soo Woo, Mathew Semadeni), Strategic Management Journal, 37

"Toward a Configurational Perspective on the CEO: A review and synthesis of management literature", (With Ryan Krause, Steven Boivie, Scott Graffin), Journal of Management, 42

"Quantifying the robustness of empirical inferences in strategic management: The impact threshold of a confounding variable and robustness of inference to replacement", (With Kenneth Frank, Spiro Maroulis, Ran Xu, Qinyun Lin), Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, 13 - Accepted (awaiting publication)