Mendoza School of Business

Cameron Kormylo

Assistant Professor
IT, Analytics, and Operations
  364 Mendoza College of Business
  • Biography
  • Background
  • Presentations
  • Awards

Cam Kormylo is an Assistant Professor of IT, Analytics, and Operations at the Mendoza College of Business. He completed his PhD at Virginia Tech in the Pamplin College of Business. His research interests include the behavioral implications of artificial intelligence, specifically the ethics of AI, human-AI collaboration, and the auditing of AI ecosystems. He developed and is currently teaching the course Auditing AI.
Prior to Virginia Tech, Cam received a BBA degree in IT Management from the University of Notre Dame, with a minor in Theology.

Ph D, Virginia Tech
BBA, University of Notre Dame

Areas of Expertise
Auditing AI
Data Ethics
Experimental Design

"Killing the Bees to Stop the Roaches: Enhanced Privacy Protections and the Role of Risk", Privacy Law Scholars Conference, 2023

"Killing the Bees to Stop the Roaches: Enhanced Privacy Protections and the Role of Risk", Security & Human Behavior Workshop - Carnegie Mellon University, 2023

"Till Tech Do Us Part: Betrayal Aversion and its Role in Algorithm Use.", Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), 2022

"The Instrumented Employee: Insights on Social Anxiety in the Workplace", Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA), 2022

"Till Tech Do Us Part: Betrayal Aversion and its Role in Algorithm Use", INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2021

"Reconsidering Privacy Choices: The Impact of Defaults, Reversibility, and Repetition", Federal Trade Commission (FTC) PrivacyCon, 2021

"Reconsidering Privacy Choices: The Impact of Defaults, Reversibility, and Repetition", Graduate Student Association Research Symposium, 2021

"Reconsidering Privacy Choices: The Impact of Defaults, Reversibiltiy, and Repetition", Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), 2020

"Continuing Student Award", Pamplin College of Business, 2021

"Security, Privacy, and Trust Grant", Pamplin College of Business, 2021

"Security, Privacy, and Trust Grant", Pamplin College of Business, 2020

"The Charles G. Morrow Award for Business Excellence", Mendoza College of Business, 2019