Mendoza School of Business

Christopher Bechler

Assistant Professor
  377 Mendoza College of Business
  • Biography
  • Background

Chris joined Mendoza after receiving his doctoral degree in Behavioral Marketing at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Chris' research interests are in the domains of consumer behavior and social psychology. Within these domains, most of his work explores issues relating to (1) attitudes and persuasion and (2) financial decision making.

In Chris' research stream on attitudes and persuasion, he employs a categorical perspective to better understand consumer and firm behavior, seeking answers to questions including: (1) How do attitudes guide behavior? (2) How do people perceive attitude change? (3) How do people choose the targets of persuasive messages/advertisements and how can these targeting decisions be improved?

In Chris' research stream on financial decision making, he seeks answers to questions including: (1) How does mode of payment (cash, credit card, crypto) affect consumers' earning and spending behaviors as well as their experiences with products? (2) How do consumers choose among payment methods? (3) How do consumers choose their investments?

Chris' research has been published in leading marketing and psychology journals, including Psychological Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Association of Consumer Research, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, and Cognition. His work has been featured by dozens of media outlets, including CBS News, BBC, MSN, Harvard Business Review, and Psychology Today.

Chris teaches Consumer and Organizational Buyer Behavior at the undergraduate level. He received the 2022-23 Outstanding Undergraduate Marketing Professor Award (voted on by graduating seniors).

Ph D, Stanford Graduate School of Business
A.B., Washington University in St. Louis