Mendoza School of Business

David Hutchison

Teaching Professor
  244 Mendoza College of Business
  • Background
  • Publications
  • Presentations
BA, Illinois Wesleyan University
Ph D, University of Illinois

"Real Estate Joint Venture Economics and IRR Math - A Note", The Real Estate Finance Journal

"A Note on the Conceptual Foundations of indeterminate maturity deposit funds transfer pricing", Journal of Performance Management, 24, 2013

"Understanding and Teaching Private Equity Structures; Modeling Real Estate Development Joint Venture Agreements", Journal of Economics and Finance Education, 11, 2012

"Accounting Practices and Earnings Volatility in Mortgage Banking", Journal of housing Research, 21, 2012

"Economics, Accounting Practices, and Earnings Volatility in Mortgage Banking", American Real Estate Society Annual Meetings, 2010