Mendoza School of Business

Olivier Dorian Boncoeur

Assistant Professor
Management & Organization
  338 Mendoza College of Business
  • Biography
  • Background
  • Publications
  • Presentations
  • Awards
  • Media

Dorian Boncoeur is an assistant professor of Management & Organizations at the Mendoza College of Business.

His research examines human sustainability in the workplace; how employees can contribute to their organizations without subverting their own well-being. His research has appeared in peer-reviewed outlets such as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Journal of Management. To carry out this research, he runs experience-sampling field studies, analyzes archival data, and conducts interviews as well as online and laboratory experiments. At Notre Dame, he currently teaches Leadership and Management at the undergraduate level.

Dr. Boncoeur received his Ph.D. in International Management Studies (Organizational Behavior) from the University of Texas at Dallas’ Jindal School of Management where he was the recipient of the Expiwell Dissertation Award.

Ph D, University of Texas at Dallas
MA, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany
Maîtres, University of Bordeaux, France
BA, University of Mauritius, Mauritius

Editorial Boards
Editorial Board Member
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
January 1, 2024

"Matches Measure: A Visual Scale of Job Burnout", (With Dorian Boncoeur, C. Muir, C. Calderwood), Journal of Applied Psychology, 108, 2023

"Human Sustainability and Work: A Meta-Synthesis and Theory", (With Dorian Boncoeur, C. Barnes, D. Wagner, K. Schabram), Journal of Management, 49, 2023

"A visual analogue measure of job burnout", (With C Muir, C Calderwood, Dorian Boncoeur), Journal of Applied Psychology, 2022

"Human sustainability in the workplace", (With Dorian Boncoeur), Journal of Management, 2022

"Supervisor abuse effects on subordinate turnover intentions and deviant behavior: The role of power distance orientation and perceived HR climate", (With O Richard, Dorian Boncoeur, H Chen, D Ford, Jr), Journal of Business Ethics, 164, 2020

"Work engagement, emotional exhaustion, and counterproductive work behavior", (With H Chen, O Richard, Dorian Boncoeur, D Ford, Jr), Journal of Business Research, 114, 2020

"Improving organizational newcomers' creative job performance through creative process engagement: The moderating role of synergy diversity climate", (With O Richard, D Avery, A Luksyte, Dorian Boncoeur, C Spitzmuller), Personnel Psychology, 72, 2019

"Neurodivergent Jobseeker Responses to the Strengths-Based Neurodiversity Narrative", 84th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2024

"Best Reviewer Award", OB Division, Academy of Management, 2024

Briefings Magazine, June 1, 2022