Joseph Holt

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Joe Holt is a Teaching Professor in the Management Department in the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame. Holt joined the Mendoza College in 2004, serving as Concurrent Assistant Professor for Notre Dame Executive Education. He received his B.A. from Boston College and spent 12 years as a Jesuit completing graduate studies in Philosophy (Fordham University), Theology (Weston School of Theology), and Biblical Theology (Gregorian University in Rome).
Holt taught Philosophy with a specialization in Business Ethics at Canisius College, Boston College, and Loyola University Chicago’s Rome Center. After leaving the Jesuits, he reflected on faith, values and ethics in the workplace from the perspective of one in the business trenches; he spent a brief stint as a stockbroker and then graduated from Harvard Law School and worked for more than five years as a corporate attorney in major Chicago law firms. Holt also taught Business Ethics and Spirituality of Work on an adjunct basis in Loyola University Chicago’s MBA program during this time. For two years prior to joining Notre Dame full-time, he was a Senior Lecturer in Law and Director of the Clinic on Entrepreneurship at The University of Chicago Law School (the Clinic provides free legal assistance to inner-city, low-income entrepreneurs seeking financial self-sufficiency). At the law school, he taught Entrepreneurship and the Law, Negotiation and Mediation, and a seminar designed and offered for the first time by Holt on The Ethical Dimensions of Lawyering.
Holt currently teaches Foundations of Ethical Business Conduct in the Notre Dame EMBA and MSB programs. He also teaches Foundations of Ethical Business Conduct, Ethics in the Emerging Markets, The Sustainability of Business, Negotiations, and Spirituality and Religion in the Workplace in the Notre Dame MBA program. Holt designs and offers programs to the Stayer Center for Executive Education’s custom and open programs in the fields of ethics, leadership, spirituality and negotiations.
Areas of Expertise
Award, October 18, 2021