Mendoza School of Business

Timothy Balko

Associate Teaching Professor
Management & Organization
  308 Mendoza College of Business
  • Biography
  • Background
  • Publications
  • Presentations
  • Awards

Tim is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame. Courses he has taught are as follows: Foresight in Business and Society (UG); Strategic Foresight (MBA); and Business Problem Solving (UG). Before accepting his current fulltime teaching position, he served as the Foresight Program Coordinator and taught the UG course as an adjunct instructor.

Prior to working at the Mendoza College of Business, Tim was the executive director of a not-for-profit organization and an attorney for many years practicing primarily in civil litigation. He received his Bachelor of Social Work from Valparaiso University and Juris Doctor from Valparaiso University School of Law.

JD, Valparaiso University School of Law
BSW - Bachelor of Social Work, Valparaiso University

"Why All Business Schools Should Teach Foresight - Perspectives from More Than a Decade at the University of Notre Dame", (With Tim Balko, Samuel Miller, John Michel, Chad Harms), World Futures Review/SAGE Publishing, 2018

"Strategic Foresight and Participatory Governance Concepts", Meeting with Mayor of South Bend, his Chief of Staff, and Department Heads, 2015

"Strategic Foresight Concepts", Meeting with “Leadership South Bend/Mishawaka” Class Offered by the St. Joseph County Chamber of Commerce, 2015

"No-Specific Title - Co-Leader of Academic Education Session exploring current practices, needs and priorities for developing foresight skills and capabilities.", Foresight in Business Workshop/University of Notre Dame, 2013

"2024 Management & Organization Outstanding Teaching Award for Teaching Faculty", M&O Department, Mendoza College of Business, 2024