Mendoza School of Business

Dean Shepherd

Ray and Milann Siegfried Professor of Entrepreneurship
Management & Organization
  363C Mendoza College of Business
  • Biography
  • Background
  • Publications
  • Awards

Dean Shepherd is the Ray and Milann Siegfried Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Mendoza College of Business, Notre Dame University. His research and teaching are in the field of entrepreneurship; he investigates the cognitive-emotional mechanisms of potential opportunities (noticing, evaluating, and constructing), new ventures (creating, growing, and terminating), entrepreneurial responses to adversity (events, chronic, and failure), and entrepreneurial creation and destruction (personal, social, and ecological value). Dean is a fellow of the Academy of Management. He has been awarded three honorary doctorates (Jonkoping University [Sweden], Technical University of Munich [Germany], and Lulea University of Technology [Sweden]). From the Entrepreneurs Division of the Academy of Management, Dean has been awarded the “Dedication to Entrepreneurship award”, the “Mentor Award”, and the “Foundational Paper Award” (twice). He is the past editor-in-chief of the Journal Business Venturing. He has authored over 20 books and 180 publications in top management and entrepreneurship journals with over 85,000 Google cites.

Areas of Expertise

"Shepherd, D.A., Seyb, S. and George, G. (2023). Grounding business models: Cognition, boundary objects, and business-model change. Academy of Management Review, 48(1): 100-122.", Academy of Management Review, 2023

"Souitaris, V., Peng, B., Zerbinati, S., Shepherd, D.A. (2023). Specialists, generalists, or both? Founders’ multidimensional breadth of experience and entrepreneurial ventures’ fundraising at IPO. Organization Science, 34(2): 557-588.", Organization Science, 2023

"Seigner, B., Milanov, H., Lundmark, E. and Shepherd, D.A.. Tweeting like Elon? Provocative language, new-venture status, and audience engagement on social media. Journal of Business Venturing", (With ), journal of business venturing

"Shepherd, D. A., & Williams, T. Does it need to be broader or deeper? Trade-offs in entrepreneurship theorizing. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice", Entrepreneurship theory and practice

"Shepherd, D. A., & Patzelt, H. (2022). A call for research on the scaling of organizations and the scaling of social impact. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 46(2), 255-268.", entrepreneurship theory and practice, 2022

"Qin, X., Shepherd, D. A., Lin, D., Xie, S., Liang, X., & Lin, S. (2022). The dark side of entrepreneurs’ creativity: Investigating how and when entrepreneurs’ creativity increases the favorability of potential opportunities that harm nature. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 46(4), 857-883.", entrepreneurship theory and practice, 2022

"Mittermaier, A., Shepherd, D.A. and Patzelt, H. (2022). We can't direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails: Prosocial ventures' responses to potential resource threats. Organization Science, 33(3), 1116-1141.", Organization science, 2022

"Solomon, B. C., Nikolaev, B. N., & Shepherd, D. A. (2022). Does educational attainment promote job satisfaction? The bittersweet trade-offs between job resources, demands, and stress. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(7), 1227.", Journal of Applied Psychology, 2022

"Creating new ventures: Review and research agenda.", Journal of Management, 2021

"Entrepreneurship and poverty alleviation: The importance of health and children’s education for slum entrepreneurs.", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2021

"The lean startup framework: Closing the academic-practitioner divide.", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2021

"When is effort contagious in new venture management teams? Understanding the contingencies of social motivation theory", Journal of Management Studies , 2020

"Entrepreneurial Motivation: A Review of the Literature and Agenda for Future Research", Journal of Organizational Behavior , 2020

"The surprising duality of jugaad: Low firm growth and high inclusive growth.", (With vinit parada, joakim wincent), journal of management studies, 2020

"We’re all in the same boat: A collective model of preserving and accessing nature-based opportunities.", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

"Images of entrepreneurship: Exploring root metaphors and expanding upon them.", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 43, 2020

"What are we explaining? A review and agenda on initiating, engaging, performing, and contextualizing entrepreneurship.", Journal of Management , 45

"Why didn’t you tell me? Voicing concerns over objective information about a project’s flaws.", (With holger patzelt, Christopher berry), journal of management, 2019

"The Interdependence of planning and learning among internal corporate ventures.", (With jeff covin, don kuratko, joshi Gupta), entrepreneurship theory and practice, 2018

"Images of entrepreneurship: Exploring root metaphors and expanding upon them.", (With erik Lunkmark, anna krzmenska, ), entrepreneurship theory and practice

"If you fight with me I will get mad: A Social Model of Entrepreneurial Affect", (With nicola breugst), entrepreneurship theory and practice, 2017

"Is that an opportunity? An attention model of top managers’ opportunity beliefs for strategic action.", (With jeffrey mcmullen, William ocasio), strategic management journal, 38, 2017

"Pull the plug or take the plunge: Multiple opportunities and the speed of venturing decisions in the Australian mining industry.", (With rene bakker), academy of management journal, 60, 2017

"foundation paper", academy of management, 2022

"The Dedication to Entrepreneurship Award", Academy of Management , 2017