Mendoza School of Business

Michael Mannor

John F. O'Shaughnessy Associate Professor in Strategic Leadership
Management & Organization
  365 Mendoza College of Business
  • Biography
  • Background
  • Publications
  • Books
  • Presentations
  • Awards
  • Media

Top business leaders have a big impact on the success of their companies and the livelihood of those who depend on their organizations. Professor Mannor’s research focuses on differences in how top business leaders think about and process information, which often leads them to pursue different strategies, prioritize different stakeholders, and achieve different levels of success. Building from foundations in psychology and managerial cognition, this work has examined how factors such as prior experience, anxiety, personality, and incentives powerfully shape executive attention and strategic decision-making. Given the sensitive nature of this research, over the years he has used a mix of novel data sources and methodologies to probe research questions, including linguistic and historiometric analyses, gathering data from CEO spouses, and traveling widely to personally spend time with the CEOs of some of the largest companies in the US and Europe. His research has been published in the Strategic Management Journal, the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, the Journal of Management, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, and several books. Mannor and his research have been highlighted in the media on NPR, CNN, the Associated Press, BusinessWeek, in the WSJ, USA Today, LA Times, MSNBC, NYTimes, Fortune, ABC, Yahoo, the Atlantic, and a variety of other media outlets. He has been recognized for his civic contributions as a "Forty under 40" leader and was awarded Notre Dame's top faculty award for volunteer work that serves to advance the cause of peace and human rights (the Grenville Clark Award). Prior to entering academia, he worked for five years at a start-up data and telecommunications provider and founded a small entrepreneurial web business in Michigan. He is also the former the chair of the board for the LuMind IDSC Foundation, an international Down syndrome support organization based in Boston that raises millions of dollars each year to support research and families, and created an annual fundraiser that has brought in over five hundred thousand dollars for Down syndrome research.

BS, Aquinas College
MBA, Grand Valley State University
Ph D, Michigan State University

Areas of Expertise
Executive Leadership
Knowledge Management Strategies

Editorial Boards
Editorial Board Member
Strategic Management Journal
May 19, 2020

Editorial Board Member
Academy of Management Journal
January 1, 2013

"Fast and rigorous: Configurational determinants of strategic decision-making balance", (With Viva Bartkus, Joanna Campbell), Long Range Planning, 2022

"A Liability of Breadth? The Conflicting Influences of Experiential Breadth on Perceptions of Founding Teams", (With Fadel Matta, Emily Block, Adam Steinbach, Jim Davis), Journal of Management, 45, 2019

"All risk-taking is not the same: Examining the competing effects of firm risk-taking with meta-analysis", (With Mathias Arrfelt, Jennifer Nahrgang, Amanda Christensen), Review of Managerial Science, 12, 2018

"(Invited Commentary) Do CEOs Receive the Pay They Deserve? A New Vantage on a Familiar Question", (With Adam Wowak, Craig Crossland), Management Research, 16, 2018

"Heavy Lies the Crown? How Job Anxiety Affects Top Executive Decision Making in Gain and Loss Contexts", (With Adam Wowak, Viva Bartkus, Luis Gomez-Mejia), Strategic Management Journal, 37, 2016

"Does Experience Help or Hinder Top Managers? Working With Different Types of Resources in Hollywood", (With Jamal Shamsie, Don Conlon), Strategic Management Journal, 37, 2016

"How Anxiety Affects CEO Decision Making", (With Adam Wowak, Viva Bartkus, Luis Gomez-Mejia), Harvard Business Review,, 2016

"Earthquake or Glacier? How CEO Charisma Manifests in Firm Strategy over Time", (With Adam Wowak, Mathias Arrfelt, Gerry McNamara), Strategic Management Journal, 37, 2016

"Motivated to Acquire? The Impact of CEO Regulatory Focus on Firm Acquisitions", (With Danny Gamache, Gerry McNamara, Russell Johnson), Academy of Management Journal, 58, 2015

"Throwing Caution to the Wind: The Effect of CEO Stock Option Pay on the Incidence of Product Safety Problems", (With Adam Wowak, Kaitlin Wowak), Strategic Management Journal, 36, 2015

"Developing a Theory of the Strategic Core of Teams: A Role Composition Model of Team Performance", (With Stephen Humphrey, Fred Morgeson), Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 2009

"Career Success and Weak Paradigms: The Role of Activity, Resiliency, and True Scores", (With John Hollenbeck), Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28, 2007

"The Hidden Deception of Knowledge Management Systems: Search, Rigidity, and Declining Radical Innovation", In Lytras, Russ, Meier, & Naeve (Ed.) Knowledge Management Strategies: A Handbook of Applied Technologies, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2008

"Top Executives and Global Leadership: At the Intersection of Cultural Intelligence and Strategic Leadership Theory", In Ang & Van Dyne (Ed.) Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory, Measurement, and Applications, Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2008

"Research and Practice on the Future of Leadership in the Age of AI", Strategic Management Society Conference (Instanbul, Turkey), 2024

"Exploring Top-Executive Cognition in Business Ecosystems", Academy of Management Conference (Chicago, IL), 2024

"Triggered: How Stakeholder-Specific Activation Counters Employee and Shareholder Apathy toward CSR", Academy of Management Conference (Chicago, IL), 2024

"Triggered: How Stakeholder-Specific Activation Counters Employee and Shareholder Indifference to CSR", Strategic Management Society Conference (Toronto, Canada), 2023

"All Academy Symposium - CEO Job Demands, Characteristics, and Mental States: Implications for Top Executive Research", Academy of Management Conference (Boston, MA), 2023

"Words Matter! How Biases, Stereotypes, and Social Dynamics Shape Executive Communications’ Impact", Academy of Management Conference (Boston, MA), 2023

"Getting Mixed Signals? How Top Executive Communications about Firm Strategy Shape Market Evaluations", Academy of Management Conference (Seattle, WA), 2022

"Scholarly Conversations On Macro Research And Professional Development", Southern Management Association (New Orleans, LA), 2021

"Strategic Leadership & Governance Paper Development Workshop", Strategic Management Society Conference (Minneapolis, MN), 2019

"Stuck in a Rut? Reflections on 35 years of Success and Failure in the Study of Executive Influence and Governance", Strategic Management Society Conference (Minneapolis, MN), 2019

"Scaling Impact: An Emergent Model of Social Growth Orientation in Nascent Ventures", Academy of Management Conference (Boston, MA), 2019

"Are Market Reactions to Acquisitions Driven by Acquiring CEO Traits?", Strategic Management Society Special Conference (Las Vegas, Nevada), 2019

"Ruling The Airwaves: Sharing Knowledge Through Within-Industry Diversification", Strategic Management Society Conference (Paris, France), 2018

"Strategic Leadership & Governance Interest Group Paper Development Workshop", Strategic Management Society Conference (Paris, France), 2018

"Fast and Rigorous: Configurational Determinants of Strategic Decision-Making Balance", Academy of Management Conference (Chicago, IL), 2018

"Keep Your Eye on the Ball or on the Field? Executive Strategic Attention and Performance", Academy of Management Conference (Chicago, IL), 2018

"Evaluating Upper Echelon Quality", Strategic Management Society Conference (Houston, TX), 2017

"Strategic Leadership & Governance Interest Group Paper Development Workshop", Strategic Management Society Conference (Houston, TX), 2017

"Scaling Impact: Understanding How Growth is Conceptualized in Social Ventures", Academy of Management Conference (Atlanta, GA), 2017

"Advances in Data Collection Methodologies and Analyses in Strategy Research: Historiometric Methods", Strategic Management Society Conference (Berlin, Germany), 2016

"Cunning or Just Confused? Market Reactions to Sweeping Visions of Strategic Priorities", Strategic Management Society Conference (Berlin, Germany), 2016

"Strategic Leadership & Governance Interest Group Paper Development Workshop", Strategic Management Society Conference (Berlin, Germany), 2016

"Interfaces of Strategic Leaders: Developing a Future Research Agenda", Academy of Management Conference (Anaheim, CA), 2016

"RMD Doctoral Student and Early Career Faculty Consortium", Academy of Management - Research Methods Division, 2016

"Big Game Hunting: Accessing and Interacting with Senior Executives for Empirical Research", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2015

"Putting Back the Individual in BTOF: CEO Regulatory Focus and Firm Responses to Performance Cues", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2015

"Research Methods Professional Development Workshop", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2015

"Putting Back the Individual in BTOF: CEO Regulatory Focus and Firm Responses to Performance Cues", Academy of Management Conference, 2015

"Exploring The CEO-TMT Interface: Ceo Generalized Self-Efficacy And Strategic Decision-Making", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2014

"Heavy Lies The Crown? Top Executive Anxiety and Strategic Decision Making", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2014

"Exploring The CEO-TMT Interface: Ceo Generalized Self-Efficacy And Strategic Decision-Making", Academy of Management Conference, 2014

"Heavy Lies The Crown? Top Executive Anxiety and Strategic Decision Making", Academy of Management Conference, 2014

"Objective Monitors? Meta-Analytic Evidence of Risk-Bearing as a Moderator of Shareholder and Director Influences", Academy of Management Conference, 2014

"Objective Monitors? Meta-Analytic Evidence of Risk-Bearing as a Moderator of Shareholder and Director Influences", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2013

"Peeking Inside the Black Box of Top Executive Decision-Making: A Mediated Model of Devil’s Advocacy", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2013

"Can't Buy Me Love? How Charismatic CEOs Supplement Their Charms with Instrumental Behaviors.", Academy of Management Conference, 2013

"Take It Back: The Effect of CEO Stock Options on the Likelihood of Product Recalls.", Academy of Management Conference, 2013

"All Risk-Taking is Not the Same: Examining the Competing Effects on Firm Risk and Firm Performance with Meta-Analysis.", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2012

"Façades of Rigor? The Spillover of Top Executive Insecurity into Team Construction, Decision-Making Process, and Strategic Conformity.", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2012

"All Risk-Taking is Not the Same: Examining the Competing Effects of Risk-Taking on Firm Risk and Firm Performance with Meta-Analysis", Academy of Management Conference, 2012

"Arrogant but Not Ignorant? How CEOs Manage Their Own Hubris with Conservative Coping Mechanisms", Academy of Management Conference, 2012

"Liability of Breadth? Biased Evaluations of Experience in Threatening vs. Opportunistic Environments", Academy of Management Conference, 2012

"CEO Hubris, Firm Debt, and Profitability: Arrogant but Not Ignorant", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2011

"Framed for Action: The Influences of Positive, Negative, and Ambivalent CEO Perceptions on Organizational Action", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2011

"Bringing Experience to Resources: Examining the Contribution of Producers to Hollywood Film Projects", Academy of Management Conference, 2011

"", Oklahoma State University - Doctoral Strategy Seminar (Co-Taught), 2010

"An Entrepreneur Experience Paradox: Focused Rigidity vs. Broad Information Networks in New Venture Strategy Formation", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2010

"Bringing Experience to Resources: Examining the Contribution of Producers to Hollywood Film Projects", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2010

"Looking Inside the Dream Team: Tacit Knowledge as a Driver of Performance", Atlanta Competitive Advantage Conference, 2010

"Creating Blockbusters? Experiential Learning and Creative and Commercial Performance in Hollywood", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2009

"Depth, Breadth, and Diversity: Experiential Learning and Knowledge Creation in the Pharmaceutical Industry", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2009

"Depth, Breadth, and Diversity: Experiential Learning and Knowledge Creation in Drug Discovery", Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2009

"Looking Inside the Dream Team: Tacit Knowledge as a Driver of Performance", Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2009

"Antecedents and Consequences of Team Leader Adaptability", Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology Conference, 2009

"Moving First into a Market: Introduction of New Formats among U.S. Radio Stations", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2008

"A Second Look at CEO Hubris: Assessing the Measurement and Viability of CEO Hubris as a Predictor of Firm Strategy and Performance", Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2008

"A Two-Horse Race? The Impact of CEO Characteristics and Governance Structures on Firm Performance", Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2008

"The Impact of Capability and Compatibility on Favorable and Unfavorable Reputations", Administrative Science Association of Canada Annual Conference, 2008

"The Role of Financial Resources, Experience, and Working Relationships on the Success of Film Projects", Grief Entrepreneurship Research Symposium, 2008

"Building Ambidexterity: Generating Knowledge-Based Diversity to Promote Creative Balance in Organizations", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2007

"Creating Breakthroughs: Deconstructing the Experiential Antecedents of Search and Knowledge Creation", Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2007

"Ruling the Airwaves: Untangling the Effect of Resources on the Performance of Commercial Radio Stations", Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2007

"Lights! Camera! Conflict? Evaluating the Success of Knowledge Integration among Partnerships in the Motion Picture Industry", International Association of Conflict Management Conference, 2007

"The Role of Resources and Experience on the Success of Film Projects", Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 2007

"The Effects of Knowledge Resources on Commercial Radio Stations", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2006

"Climbing Up a Hill vs. Falling Off a Cliff: Toward a New Theoretical Perspective of Good and Bad Reputations", Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2006

"Looking Inside the Dream Team: Reconciling Divergent Perspectives of Resources", Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2006

"The Hidden Deception of Knowledge Management Systems: Search, Rigidity, & Declining Radical Innovation", Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2006

"Global Leadership: The Intersection of Cultural Intelligence and Strategic Leadership Theory", The International Cultural Intelligence Conference, 2006

"Looking Inside the Dream Team: Reconciling Divergent Perspectives of Resources", Strategic Management Society Conference, 2005

"Understanding Team Performance: The Importance of Experience & Ability in Core and Non-Core Team Roles", Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology Conference, 2005

"AMJ Best Reviewer Award", Academy of Management Journal, 2023

"Nominated for 2023 SMS Responsible Research Paper Prize", Strategic Management Society , 2023

"M&O Department Faculty Service Award", M&O Department, 2023

"Brandon High School Alumni Hall of Fame", Brandon High School, 2022

"Grenville Clark Award", University of Notre Dame, 2021

"Forty under 40", St. Joseph County Chamber of Commerce, 2016

"Nominated for Best Conference Paper for Practice Implications", Strategic Management Society , 2014

"Nominated for Best Conference Paper", Strategic Management Society , 2013

"Outstanding Reviewer Award", Academy of Management BPS Division, 2013

"Oxford University Best Published Paper Award", Oxford University Center for Corporate Reputation, 2013

"Distinguished Paper Award; Nominated for Glueck Award Best Conference Paper (BPS Division)", Academy of Management, 2012

"Nominated for Best Conference Paper", Strategic Management Society , 2012

"Nominated for Best Conference Paper with Practice Implications", Strategic Management Society , 2012

"Outstanding Reviewer Award", Academy of Management BPS Division, 2012

"Notre Dame FRSP Competitive Research Grant (~$41,000)", Univesity of Notre Dame, 2012

"Kobayashi Competitive Research Grant", Univesity of Notre Dame, 2011

"Honorable Mention for ASAC Conference Best Paper Award", Administrative Science Association of Canada Conference, 2008

"Michigan State Excellence-in-Teaching Citation", Michigan State Unviversity, 2007

"Finalist for TIM Division Best Student Paper Award", Academy of Management TIM Division, 2007