"Uncertainty and Complexity in Healthcare Operations: How Hospitals Weather the Perfect Storm", (With Sriram Thirumalai, Tyson Browning), Journal of Operations Management , 70
"Mitigating the Curse of Complexity: The Role of Focus and the Implications for Costs of Care", (With Sriram Thirumalai), Journal of Operations Management, 70, 2024
"Does Analytics Help Resolve Equivocality in the Healthcare Context? Contrasting Effects of Analyzability and Differentiation", (With Idris Adjerid, Corey Angst, Nicholas Berente), Journal of the Association of Information Systems (JAIS), 24 , 2023
"Impact of Working Capital on Firm Performance: Does IT Matter?", (With Suvendu Naskar, Palash Deb, Preetam Basu), Journal of Operations Management, 69, 2023
"An Exploratory Study of the Growth of Accountable Care Organization and its Impact on Physician Groups’ Profit: A Complex Adaptive System Approach", (With Mei Li, Niaz Arifin, Gregory Madey, Alfredo Casetti), Data Science and Management, 2, 2021
"It’s About Time – A Longitudinal Adaptation Model of High-Performance Work Teams", (With Kaifeng Jiang, ), Journal of Applied Psychology, 104, 2019
"Who Cares About Your Day - Impact of Life Events on Dynamics of Social Networks", (With Arati Srinivasan, Hong Guo ), Decision Sciences Journal, 48, 2017
"Complements or Substitutes - Culture - Technology Interactions in Healthcare Improvements", (With Carolyn Queenan, Thomas Kull), Decision Sciences Journal , 47, 2016
"You Can't Bribe a Computer: Dealing with the Societal Challenge of Corruption Through Information Technology", (With Shirish Srivastava, Teo Thompson), MIS Quarterly, 40, 2016
"Capability hierarchy in electronic procurement and procurement process performance: An empirical analysis", (With Abhay Mishra, Ganesh Vaidyanathan), Journal of Operations Management, 31, 2013
"A Test of Two Models of Value Creation in Virtual Communities", (With Constance Porter, Daewon Sun, ), Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), 30, 2013
"Examining the Impact of Information Technology and Patient Flow on Healthcare Performance: A Theory of Swift and Even Flow (TSEF) Perspective", (With Terence Ow, Rajiv Kohli), Journal of Operations Management, 31, 2013
". Effect of Purchase Volume Flexibility and Purchase Mix Flexibility on E-procurement Performance: An Analysis of Two Perspectives", (With Ganesh Vaidyanathan, Abhay Mishra), Journal of Operations Management, Vol.30, 2012
"Does Information Technology Investment Influence a Firm’s Market Value? The Case of Non Publicy Traded Healthcare Firms,", (With Rajiv Kohli, Terence Ow), MIS Quarterly, 36, 2012
"Dual Roles of IT-Assisted Communication in Patient Care: A Structure-Process-Outcome Framework", (With Corey Angst, John D'Arcy), Journal of Management Information Systems, 29, 2012
"Employee Misuse of Information Technology Resources: Testing A Contemporary Deterrence Model", (With John D'Arcy, ), Decision Sciences, 43, 2012
"Doctor's Orders: If they're electronic, do they improve patient satisfaction?", (With Carolyn Queenan, Corey Angst), Journal of Operations Management , 29, 2011
"Does Security Impact E-Procurement Performance? A Test of Direct and Mediated Effects", (With Ganesh Vaidyanathan, John D'Arcy), Decision Sciences, 43, 2011
"Performance Effects Related to the Sequence of Integration of Healthcare Technologies", (With Corey Angst, Carolyn Queenan, Brad Greenwood, ), Production and Operations Management, 20, 2011
"How Does Personality Matter? Relating the Five Factor Model to Technology Adoption and Use", (With Robert Easley, J. Crant), Information Systems Research, 19, 2008
"The Impact of Information Technology Investments and Diversification Strategies on Firm Performance", (With Murali Chari, Parthiban David), Management Science, 54, 2008
"The Role of Quality in E-procurement Performance - An Empirical Analysis", (With Ganesh Vaidyanathan), Journal of Operations Management, 26, 2008
"Impact of eBusiness Technologies on Operational Performance: The Role of Production Information Integration in the Supply Chain", (With Jerry Wei, Lee Krajewski), Journal of Operations Management, 25, 2007
"International Diversification and Firm Performance: Role of Information Technology Investments", (With Murali Chari, Parthiban David), Journal of World Business, 42, 2007
"Examination of online channel preference: Using the structure-conduct-outcome framework", (With Ming Fan, Rajiv Kohli), Decision Support Systems, 42, 2006
"Contribution of Institutional DSS to Organizational Performance", (With Rajiv Kohli, S. Devaraj), Decision Support Systems, 37 (1), 2004
"Generic Manufacturing Strategies and Plant Performance", (With David Hollingworth, Roger Schroeder), Journal of Operations Management, 22, 2004
"Measuring the Relationship between Training and Job Performance in the Software Industry", Communications of the ACM, 47(5), 2004
"Realizing Business Value of Information Technology Investments: An Organizational Process", (With Rajiv Kohli, S. Devaraj), MIS Quarterly Executive, 3 (1), 2004
"Understanding Determinants of Online Consumer Satisfaction: A Decision Process Perspective", (With Rajiv Kohli, S. Devaraj, M. Mahmood), Journal of Management Information Systems, 21 (1), 2004
"A five-factor framework for analyzing risk in e-businesses", (With G. Vaidyanathan, S. Devaraj), Communications of the ACM, Vol. 46, Issue 12, 2003
"E-Loyalty: Elusive Ideal or Competitive Edge", (With Ming Fan, Rajiv Kohli), Communications of the ACM, Vol. 49, Issue 9, 2003
"Information Technology Payoff Paradox and System Use: Is Actual Usage the Missing Link?", (With Rajiv Kohli), Management Science, Vol. 49(3), 2003
"Measuring Information Technology Payoff: A Meta-Analysis of Structural Variables in Firm-Level Empirical Research", (With Rajiv Kohli, S. Devaraj), Information Systems Research, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2003
"Team Characteristics, Collaborative System Use, and Team Performance: An Empirical Analysis", (With R. Easley, S. Devaraj, J. Crant), Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 19 (4), 2003
"The MP3 Open Standard and the Music Industry's Technological Response to Internet Piracy", (With R. Easley, J. Michel, S. Devaraj), Communications of the ACM, Vol. 46, Issue 11, 2003
"Antecedents of B2C Channel Satisfaction and Preference: Validating e-Commerce Metrics", (With Ming Fan, Rajiv Kohli), Information Systems Research, 13 (3), 2002
"Performance Impacts of Eliminating Direct Labor Variance Reporting: A Field Study", (With R. Banker, S. Devaraj, K. Sinha, R. Schroeder), Journal of Accounting Research, 40 (4), 2002
"An Empirical Comparison of Scale Validation Approaches", (With S. Ahire, S. Devaraj), IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2001
"Generic Manufacturing Strategies: An Empirical Test of Two Configurational Typologies", (With S. Devaraj, D. Hollingworth, R. Schroeder), Journal of Operations Management, 2001
"Service Quality and Product Quality: Antecedents of Customer Loyalty in the Automotive Industry", (With K. Matta, E. Conlon), Production and Operations Management, 2001
"The Relationship Between Initial Quality Perceptions and Maintenance Behavior: The Case of the Automotive Industry", (With E. Conlon, S. Devaraj, K. Matta), Management Science, 2001
"Information Technology Payoff in the Healthcare Industry: A Longitudinal Study", (With Rajiv Kohli), Journal of Management Information Systems, 2000
"A Path Analytic Model of a Theory of Quality Management underlying the Deming Management Method - Preliminary Empirical Findings", (With J. Anderson, M. Rungtusanatham, R. Schroeder, S. Devaraj), Decision Sciences, 1995
"Efficient Heuristic for Large-scale Vehicle Routing", (With A. Raghavendra, M. Ramdas, T. Krishnakumar, S. Devaraj, B. Raghavendra), European Journal of Operational Research, 1992