Mendoza School of Business

Timothy Hubbard

Assistant Professor; Donnelly Fellow in Participatory Management
Management & Organization
  352 Mendoza College of Business
  • Biography
  • Background
  • Publications
  • Books
  • Media

Tim Hubbard is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management and Donnelly Fellow of Participatory Management in the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Georgia and holds degrees from the Thunderbird School of Global Management and the University of Illinois. Tim’s research focuses on strategic leadership and governance, with a particular emphasis on cognitive and social factors influencing strategy. He leverages experimental methods—including biometric and virtual reality tools—to better understand executive behaviors. Some specific topics he researches include CEO personality, CEO dismissal, and boardroom diversity. Dr. Hubbard is a Co-Director of the University of Notre Dame’s Virtual Reality Lab and the University's Extended Reality (XR) Faculty Fellow. Prior to entering academia, Tim worked for Caterpillar and IBM. His research appears in the Academy of Management Journal, the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of Management, the Journal of Management Studies, the Academy of Management Discoveries, and the Fordham Environmental Law Review. He has received numerous awards such as the AMJ Best Reviewer Award and the James Dincolo Teaching Award. He serves on the Editorial Board for the Strategic Management Journal and Academy of Management Journal. Tim teaches undergraduate and masters Strategic Management courses as well as Organizational Theory in the PhD Program.

Ph D, University of Georgia
MBA, Thunderbird School of Global Management
BS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Areas of Expertise
Behavioral Strategy
Strategic Leadership
Corporate Governance

"Competition and Constituents’ Polarization Online", (With Anastasiya Zavyalova, Conor Callahan, J. Daniel Zyung), Journal of Management - Accepted (awaiting publication)

"How to Cross the Uncanny Valley: Developing Management Laboratory Studies Using Virtual Reality", (With Michael Villano), Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, in-press - Accepted (awaiting publication)

"Conducting Phenomenon-Driven Research Using Virtual Reality and the Metaverse", (With Herman Aguinis), Academy of Management Discoveries, 2023

"The influence of CEO risk tolerance on initial pay packages", (With Scott Graffin, Dane Christensen, Eric Lee), Strategic of Management Journal, 2020

"Unintended Consequences: Information Releases and CEO Stock Option Grants", (With Timothy Quigley, Andrew Ward, Scott Graffin), Academy of Management Journal, 2020

"Fearlessly swimming upstream to risky waters: The role of geographic entry in innovation", (With Curba Lampert, Minyoung Kim, Raja Roy, George Leckie), Journal of Management Studies, 2019

"Safe bets or hot hands? How status and celebrity influence strategic alliance formations by newly-public firms", (With Timothy Pollock, Michael Pfarrer, Violina Rindova), Academy of Management Journal, 61, 2018

"Higher highs and lower lows: The role of Corporate Social Responsibility in CEO dismissal", (With Dane Christensen, Scott Graffin), Strategic Management Journal, 38, 2017

"Reputation as a benefit and a burden? How stakeholders’ organizational identification affects the role of reputation following a negative event", (With Anastasiya Zavyalova, Michael Pfarrer, Rhonda Reger), Academy of Management Journal, 59, 2016

"Executive Personality Assessment With Large Language Models: Updating an Existing Tool and Advancing Similar Measures in Strategy and Management Research", (With Joseph Harrison, Steve Boivie, Oleg Petrenko), Research Methodology in Strategy and Management - Accepted (awaiting publication)

"Extending Upper Echelons Theory: How Evaluators Influence Signal Interpretation and Evaluation", (With Cole Short), New Horizons in Managerial and Organizational Cognition: Cognitive Aids in Strategy, - Accepted (awaiting publication)

All Things Considered on National Public Radio, August 10, 2020

Fast Company, June 1, 2020

CNN, January 30, 2020

Aljazeera English , April 19, 2022

Financial Times, August 11, 2020

New York Times, March 2, 2020