Mendoza School of Business

Undergraduate Awards

The Dean’s Award

The highest award given to a graduating senior in the Mendoza College of Business, the winner is selected by the Dean’s Office. The recipient is ranked in the top 5% of his/her class and has demonstrated outstanding leadership and service to the University and College.

2024Morgan Rader
2023Max Manyak
2022Colin Gutzmer
2021Emily J. Smith
2020Alice Reid
2019Emily Feczko
2018Mary Kathryn Eilert

Charles G. Morrow Award for Business Excellence

Given in honor of the late Charles G. Morrow ’38, to graduating seniors in the Mendoza College of Business who have demonstrated business excellence through University service and leadership. This award also acknowledges the student’s academic and professional integrity.

2024Ayokunnumi Faithful Oluwakuyide
Victoria Lyczak
Andrew Daigneau
Kayla Seepersad
2023Sean Ford
Sabrina Curran
2022Tess Geishauser
Allan Njomo
2021Tyler Ancona
Megan Whelan
Grant Worthington
2020Bruce Morris
Hwa Young Oh
Daren Sia
2019Cameron Kormylo
Kaliyah Martin
Grace Parker
2018Anthony J. Caputo
Lauren E. McKee
Abigail R. Veres

Departmental Awards

Mendoza School of Business
Mendoza School of Business
Mendoza School of Business
Mendoza School of Business
Mendoza School of Business