This is an opportunity for candidates to gain valuable tips about the Executive MBA application process while we answer your specific questions during our live Q & A. REGISTER
Interested in pursuing your Executive MBA but unsure how to negotiate with your employer for tuition remission and time to go back to school? Join us for an online discussion about how to build your case for support and negotiate the opportunity to pursue your MBA. REGISTER
Join us for an evening of networking, workshops, and panel discussions. We will explore themes of finding your voice, developing your presence, work-life balance, and empowering female leaders through the experiences of Mendoza faculty, staff, alumnae, and current students. Discover how our graduate business programs can empower you to grow and thrive in your career. […]
Please join us for an in-person preview of Notre Dame's Executive MBA program. You will have the opportunity to join a class and meet current students, faculty, and administrators. Space is limited. Tentative Agenda: 10:30 am - 11:30 am Welcome to the Notre Dame EMBA 11:30 am - 12:15 pm Lunch with students 12:15 pm […]
This is an opportunity for rising executives, managers, and corporate sponsors to evaluate the Notre Dame Executive MBA program. Tracy Kulwicki and Nora Mena Mahmudi will share the unique benefits of the EMBA program and how this program prepares graduates to excel as business continues to evolve. Register