Mendoza School of Business

Make Your Mark

  • No. 1 responsibility

    Being ranked the No. 1 undergrad business school was always the means, a platform to share an important message with the business sector, recalls former Mendoza dean Carolyn Y. Woo.

    Carolyn Y. Woo

  • Green venturing with a purpose

    "... Being green is not just about being Irish and asking more of business, it is at the core of Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame! It is possible to do what is right and lead by example to impact the greater good."

    Andrew J. Nemeth (EMBA 2016)

  • Family experience

    "... I had the highly improbable circumstance of my Dad being a fellow student at the same time I was, including have a couple of the same professors (even one professor we both had in the same semester)."

    Patrick Jensen (BBA '05)

  • Staying grounded

    "... Viva keeps us grounded in the reality that there are people in the world that don’t have the same opportunities as us, and she reminds us that we have the power to change that. For that reason, it’s fitting that the class happens in the last semester of the program, because BOTFL is the apposite culmination of the ND MBA, one last reminder that it’s our responsibility to carry our lessons learned beyond the classroom and into our new jobs and our new communities."

    Paul Freehill (MBA ‘19)

  • Ideally ordinary

    "...About the age of 27 I was searching for the right environment to apply myself. I was reading a book and the tiny piece I remember most was that maximum differentiation required only 10 degrees, not 180. This absolutely clicked with me; a lightning bolt. I created this visual for myself and have since shared this example hundreds of times."

    Gary Becker (BBA '86)

  • From teaching assistant to ‘Mr. Excel’

    "...When people Google an Excel question, they have a one-in-three chance of finding their answer at my website, all made possible from a 40-question Lotus 1-2-3 exam at Notre Dame."

    Bill Jelen (BBA '87)

  • Keeping good company

    "...I arrived at Notre Dame in the ’80s, an international student at a time when there weren’t very many international students."

    Bert de Guzman (BBA '90)


    "...Being the 41st person selected for the 40-student 1984 EMBA and being told I’d have to wait a year for the next class, as you might guess, came as a disappointment." 

    Chuck Eckenstahler (EMBA '84)

  • The missing piece

    "... The MBA was a piece that was missing for my future career as a healthcare executive and consultant."

    Jim Zwald (MBA '90)

  • Becoming fearless

    "... My experience as one of the first women in the College and at ND helps me to encourage women to enter the industry and be fearless."

    Joan Mileski (BBA '79)