2017 Best & Brightest: Benjamin Fouch, Notre Dame (Mendoza)
Published: April 9, 2017 / Author: Poets & Quants
Benjamin Fouch
University of Notre Dame, Mendoza College of Business
“A Hoosier from the Heartland who caught the business and startup bug.”
Fun fact about yourself: I am related to an original pilgrim from the Mayflower named John Smith!
Hometown: Brownsburg, Indiana
High School: Brownsburg High School
Major: Finance, Political Science
Favorite Business Courses:
- Global Portfolio Management
- Applied Investment Management
- Corporate Financial Management
Extracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College:
- Fulbright Summer Institute Graduate
- Hesburgh-Yusko Scholar
- Kellogg International Scholar
- Lilly Scholar
- National History Club National Newsletter Contributor
- Notre Dame PwC Case Competition Champion
- Notre Dame Deloitte Case Competition Champion
- Beta Gamma Sigma
- Pi Sigma Alpha
- Business Today International Case Competition Runner-Up
- National Outdoor Leadership School Graduate
- Indiana University Honors Program in Foreign Language Award of Excellence
Extracurricular Activities:
- Dark Horse Sports Recruiting / Founder
Note: This is a company I began here at Notre Dame. We help high school student athletes get recruited for college while also receiving academic consultations. We now have three employees and a partnership with one of the largest football programs in the country (National Underclassmen Combine)
Read the entire story on the Poets & Quants for Undergrads website.
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