Mendoza School of Business

A tour of the head, heart and mind

Published: February 22, 2017 / Author: Carol Elliott

One recent Sunday afternoon, Anne Tsui, a distinguished professor of management, and colleague Martijn Cremers, finance professor, convened a group of some three dozen Mendoza College of Business faculty, spouses and children in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart for a 90-minute tour of the campus’ flagship church.

The invitation was open to new professors and anyone else who wanted to come. There, they heard the basilica’s rector, Father Peter Rocca, cover Notre Dame’s missionary roots, its entrepreneurial founder, the lives of the saints and the story of 2,000 years of Catholicism as told in the windows and walls.

The tour was part of an ongoing effort at Mendoza to deepen the faculty’s knowledge and understanding of the University’s Catholic mission.

“The Basilica is a very special place where we could learn a lot about the history of the Catholic Church and of the mission of the Congregation of the Holy Cross in Indiana,” said Tsui. “Father Rocca began by talking about Father Sorin’s vision of education: the holistic development of the person by educating the head, the heart and the mind. This visit inspires me with the thought that we, too – the faculty of Notre Dame – can contribute to Notre Dame’s mission with head, heart and mind!”