Mendoza School of Business


  • A man shows MBA participants in the Business on the Fronlines program how to process their native plant farinha
    Loaves and Fishes: MBA students bring business analysis to Amazon products

    Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest — reached by a flight into the jungle, a two-hour boat trip, a pickup truck transporting 31 people in the bed despite a downpour, and a half-hour walk — five Notre Dame MBA students and two faculty advisers are learning how to turn mandioca root into a local starch product called farinha. They're part of the semester-long Business on the Frontlines (BOTFL) course, which examines the impact of business in societies suffering from deep poverty or conflict.

    Brendan O'Shaughnessy

  • headshot
    Business on the Frontlines: ‘Recognizing the impossible is absolutely necessary’

    Kelly Chase (MBA ’16) and her four Business on the Frontlines teammates traveled to Dili, Timor-Leste’s capital city, in March. They had spent weeks prior to the trip extensively studying the country, but it wasn't until they arrived that the true challenge of what they faced hit home for Chase. Charged with identifying sustainable solutions to improve the livelihoods of farmers, the team faced language barriers, cultural differences and harsh physical conditions.

    Carol Elliott

  • Google It: Bringing Big Data To The Classroom

    With sleek glasses, dark shoulder-length hair and a charming demeanor, Kevin Hartman looks and acts the part of an innovative practitioner in the world of business analytics and big data. While his job centers around numbers and data, he sees his work as an art form just as much as it is a science. This perspective has also helped him become a relatable and impactful Notre Dame professor.

    Andrew Mentock

  • Business on the Frontlines: Justin Jones

    Justin Jones (MBA ’16) always strove to be a force for good in the world, but was never sure how that would look. It all came together for him during his MBA at Notre Dame — in particular, while helping humanitarian aid organization World Vision address child sex trafficking in the Philippines, as part of innovative Notre Dame MBA course Business on the Frontlines (BOTFL).

    Katie Rose Quandt

  • little boy smiling
    Business on the Frontlines: Justin Whitmore

    Tyson Foods’ first chief sustainability officer reflects on what his experience in Rwanda taught him about empathy and finding common solutions.

    John Nagy

  • A woman instructs a man in how to sew
    ‘These are real people. These are real problems.’

    Erin Wehe (MBA ’18) acknowledges that things did not go as planned for members of her Business on the Front Lines (BOTFL) team when they arrived in the Palestinian territories earlier this year.

    James Karst

  • Gina Guzzardo in boxing gloves leaning against a punching bag
    From Gina to ‘The Machine-a’

    At some point, someone shared with ND MBA student Gina Guzzardo this piece of wisdom from boxing legend and unwitting business professor Mike Tyson: “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” You laugh because it’s true, and you figure when it happens you’ll know what to do, she says. “And then someone’s punching you.” And you forget everything.

    John Nagy