‘The next generation of marketing’: ND prof selected as MSI Young Scholar
Assistant Professor Frank Germann was recently selected as one of the Marketing Science Institute’s 2017 Young Scholars, which recognizes some of the most promising scholars in marketing and closely related fields.
Carol Elliott -
Ethical Leadership Discussion to feature KPMG CEO, NBC’s Anne Thompson
KPMG CEO Lynne Doughtie and Mendoza Business Ethics Professor Ann Tenbrunsel will discuss issues surrounding ethical leadership that are shaping our business culture and the larger human community. The Nov. 18 panel discussion will be moderated by NBC's Anne Thompson.
Carol Elliott -
Trump’s ‘rigged election’ claims a classic type of excuse-making
When Donald Trump suggested he might not accept "rigged" results of the presidential election, he could be engaging in a classic type of excuse-making called "self-handicapping," according to Michael Crant, professor of management and organization.
Shannon Roddel -
Yahoo’s woes transcend privacy
“This situation ... does portend a future for companies and citizens that they have no control over their online content,” explains data security expert Timothy Carone.
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At Mendoza, Analytics Meets The MBA
Poets & Quants highlights Mendoza's new MBA/MSBA dual-degree program.
Poets & Quants -
Former WNBA star and Olympic gold winner recognized as one of 30 Influential Leaders
University of Notre Dame alumna Ruth Riley received recognition for her leadership in driving positive social change in communities around the globe by AACSB International, the accrediting body for business schools worldwide.
Carol Elliott -
Do it well and do it right: Business success requires top-notch service and ethics
"Top-notch service is a necessary, but insufficient condition for success,” write management professors Jasmine Hu and Kaifeng Jiang. You need ethics, too.
Shannon Roddel -
CEOs are compensated, valued more by conservative (vs liberal) boards
Conservative or liberal leanings influence corporate directors' decisions about CEO pay and the extent to which CEOs should be rewarded and penalized for firm performance.
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Going green is for girls — but branding can make men eco-friendly
Men are more open to purchasing environmental products if their masculinity gets a branding boost, according to research by marketing assistant professor James Wilkie.
Shannon Roddel