Consumer Confidential: Mean money
Published: August 15, 2011 / Author: David Lazarus
— It pays to be mean. According to a new study, “agreeable”
workers make significantly less money than
their nastier counterparts, with the gap wider among men. The study, titled
“Do Nice Guys — and Gals — Really Finish Last?”,
uses survey data to examine “agreeableness” and finds that
men who disagree with others often make 18%, or $9,772 annually, more in
salary than those who agree with colleagues. The salary disparity is far less
among women, with disagreeable females making 5%, or $1,828, more than
nicer women. As Cornell professor Beth Livingston, who co-authored the
study with Timothy Judge of the University of Notre Dame and Charlice Hurst of
the University of Western Ontario, told the Wall Street Journal: “Nice
guys are getting the shaft.”
To read the entire article visit: Consumer Confidential: Mean money
This story also appeared in Tech60.