Mendoza College of Business faculty member awarded grant to address issues emerging from the Church sexual abuse crisis
Published: June 7, 2022 / Author: Joanne Fahey
In March 2019, Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., announced that the University would provide funding to support research projects that address issues emerging from the Church sexual abuse crisis.
Since that announcement, 10 grants have been administered through the Church Sexual Abuse Crisis Research Grant Program to researchers in the College of Arts and Letters, the Institute for Educational Initiatives, the Keough School of Global Affairs, the Law School, and the Mendoza College of Business.
Amanda McKendree, associate teaching professor of management and Arthur F. and Mary J. O’Neil Director of The Eugene D. Fanning Center for Business Communication, received an initiation grant for research entitled “Responsiveness, Reconciliation, and Renewal: Crisis Leadership and Clergy Sexual Abuse.” The pilot study, which focused on developing a research-based resource guide and communication training module, revealed that reflection, discussion, crisis simulations, and media training are the most important activities when preparing future crisis response leaders within the Church.
Read the full story and learn about the other grant awardees at Theology News.