HSBC appoints senior vice president and commerical executive
Published: July 1, 2005 / Author: Mendoza College
Timothy J. Geiger has been appointed senor vice president and commercial executive for HSBC Bank USA’s Western Region. He will be based in Buffalo, New York.
Geiger most recently worked for PCB Piezotronics, where he held the title of division manager for six years. Prior to that Geiger served as vice president of commercial banking at M & T Bank for seven years.
A natvie of Buffalo, New York, Geiger received his BBA in accounting from University of Notre Dame and his MBA in business administration and strategy from the University of Chicago. He resides in Clarence, New York with his wife Theresa and their two daughters. He has served as an executive board member of the Boy Scouts of America Greater Niagara Frontier Council since 1996.
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