Postal Workers Union Unhappy with New Staples’ Postal Counters
Published: January 19, 2014 / Author: Louis Milman
The postal workers union is not happy about postal counters that opened at dozens of Staples stores around the country in late 2013.
The cause of the stir is that pilot program is staffed by Staples employees, not postal workers. The average postal clerk earns about $25 per hour, not including health and retirement benefits, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Staples counters would be run by non-union workers, paid much less.
Notre Dame management professor James O’Rourke tells ABC News that he shares some of the concerns of the postal union, and that too many Americans work for minimum wage. However, O’Rourke said, “If the Congress of the United States can require that some level of Postal Service training and that a living wage be provided, you’re still going to find great convenience and great value.”
To read the entire article visit: Postal Workers Union Unhappy with New Staples’ Postal Counters