Mendoza School of Business

The National Society of Hispanic MBAs’ 2010 Brillante Award for Excellence Recipients Named

Published: July 29, 2010 / Author: Mendoza College

Each year the National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA) awards outstanding individuals, businesses, non-profits, educational institutions, and companies for work coinciding with the NSHMBA mission while simultaneously fostering the advancement and recognition of Hispanics and Hispanic communities across the nation.

Despite this group’s desire and energy to selflessly elevate Hispanics across all walks of life, their efforts can hardly go unnoticed. And recognizing an opportunity to congratulate and applaud these “Bright Flames (llamas brillantes),” NSHMBA created the Brillante Award for Excellence, the most prestigious honor given by the organization. Each year recipients are acknowledged during the organization’s Annual Conference & Career Expo, which is being held this year in Chicago, October 21–23.  

The Mendoza College of Business received the Brillante Award for Excellence for Educational Excellence (academic).

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