Tom Bullock Receives the Presidential Values Award
Published: May 22, 2014 / Author: Mendoza College
The Presidential Values Award is given in recognition of employees whose performance reflects the University’s core values of integrity, accountability, teamwork, leadership in mission and leadership in excellence. Thomas Bullock, Staff Accountant, Accountancy received the presidential values award at the 2014 Service Recognition Dinner for his work with the Tax Assistance Program.
The Tax Assistance Program has grown exponentially over the years, preparing more than 4,000 tax returns for 2013. Each year the program’s 90 volunteers—students, faculty members and local accountants—operate nine service centers. Special “SWAT” teams serve disabled taxpayers in their homes and hospital rooms. As a full-time staff member, Bullock serves as an excellent role model to student volunteers. His interaction with and assistance to Notre Dame’s international students has proven especially valuable.
Those who work with Bullock notice his commitment to the University’s values while making significant contributions for the betterment of Notre Dame. During the height of the tax preparation season, Bullock is actively involved with many volunteers. As the full-time staff person working with this program, he is often seen as the individual responsible for coordinating volunteers and logistics. His efforts are essential in ensuring the Tax Assistance Program’s continuous success.