Why Do We Fail to Do What’s Right? Bring Your Questions for Authors of Blind Spots
Published: June 14, 2011 / Author: Stephen Dubner
We recently published a guest post on the ethics of the decision-making that
led to the 1986 Challenger shuttle disaster. That post was adapted from a new
book called Blind Spots:
Why We Fail to Do What’s Right and What to Do about It. The authors are Max Bazerman,
a professor at Harvard Business School, and Ann Tenbrunsel, a professor of
business ethics at Notre Dame.
Blind Spots looks into the gap between our intended and actual
behavior; why we often overestimate our ability to do what’s right; and how we
convince ourselves to do what we want rather than what we should. The authors
tie their theory to a string of recent blowups, including: baseball’s steroid
scandal, Enron’s collapse, Bernie Madoff‘s fraud, and corruption in the tobacco
Brazerman and Tenbrunsel have agreed to answer your questions, so fire away
in the comments section. As with all our Q&A’s, we’ll post their answers in
short course.
To read the entire article visit: Why Do We Fail to Do What’s Right?