Why nice guys always finish last, even in the workplace
Published: August 30, 2011 / Author: Joe O'Shea
The following is an excerpt from an article in the Independent that discusses Management Professor Tim Judge’s research on how agreeable workers earn significantly lower incomes than less agreeable ones. To read the entire article visit: Why nice guys always finish last. . . even in the workplace
When it comes to getting ahead in your career, it seems rude, demanding and aggressive is the way to go.
A major new study has confirmed what nice guys — and girls — may have already suspected. It really does not pay to be pleasant in the workplace.
The research shows that agreeable workers earn significantly lower incomes than their more pushy colleagues. And the gap is especially wide for men.
Researchers in the US examined “agreeableness” levels in more than 10,000 workers across a wide range of professions, salaries and ages.