Mendoza School of Business

How to launch a successful tech firm

Published: March 26, 2012 / Author: Mendoza College

 High-tech firms should market multiple product versions at the same time, such as Apple did with the iPhone and iPod Touch, both to attract early adopters and build a network of individuals and companies that develop applications, according to a new study from the University of California, Davis.

Hemant Bhargava of the Graduate School of Management and co-authors Byung Cho Kim from Sogang University and Daewon Sun from the University of Notre Dame studied 20 years of products such as the Xbox, e-readers and the iPhone devices that operate in two-sided markets.

One side of the market is the consumer side, where consumers can have an iPhone on which to communicate or a video game console on which to play a game. And the other side of the market is where developers who make games and other applications to run on those devices reach potential buyers.

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