Mendoza School of Business

‘He’s the Steve Jobs of our generation’

Published: October 6, 2011 / Author: Dave Stephens

Assistant Professor of Management Mike Mannor is quoted in this South Bend Tribune article about Steve Jobs. To read the entire article visit: ‘He’s the Steve Jobs of our generation’

The truth is, if you care deeply about the death of Steve Jobs, you already know what’s about to be said.

Thanks to Jobs, you probably learned of his death Wednesday night, on your iPhone, iPod touch iPad or from the screen of your home computer — maybe a Mac — machines made popular by Jobs and his revolutionary Apple brand.

You already know the story about the college drop out who started a company in a garage and grew it into a high-tech business synonymous with innovation and cool.

But what if you don’t have an iPhone, what if you don’t download music or even own a computer — what did Steve Jobs mean to you?


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