Bishops need to engage the conversation now on driverless cars
In this column for, teaching professor Timothy Carone explains why driverless cars and other advances in artificial intelligence should be of concern to Catholic leadership.
Timothy Carone -
The Key to Saving May Be in Your Head
"Feeling powerful increases a person’s intent to save and the amount saved," according to a study by Emily Garbinsky, assistant marketing professor.
8 marketing lessons from the 2016 Notre Dame CMO Summit
Speakers from GE, Google, Spotify and other companies share best practices.
Christine Cox -
Studies show people think caring about the environment is “feminine”
In a series of seven studies, Mendoza marketing professor James Wilkie found evidence that men may avoid green behaviors in order to protect their masculinity.
Quartz -
Your manliness could be hurting the planet
Because of a stereotype that associates environmental friendliness with femininity, "men may be motivated to avoid or even oppose green behaviors in order to safeguard their gender identity," according to research by James Wilkie.
Danielle Paquette -
It’s Not Easy Being Green — At Least for Men
Research by marketing assistant professor James Wilkie shows men are more open to environmentally friendly products if their masculinity is affirmed.
Janice Wood -
Don’t Ignore That Recall Notice
Beware of recall fatigue, says recall expert Kaitlyn Wowak.
Jaclyn Trop -
Going green is for girls — but branding can make men eco-friendly
Men are more open to purchasing environmental products if their masculinity gets a branding boost, according to research by marketing assistant professor James Wilkie.
Shannon Roddel