Frank Germann recognized for advancing the practice of marketing
Published: April 8, 2022 / Author: Brandi Wampler
The University of Notre Dame’s Frank Germann, associate professor of Marketing at the Mendoza College of Business, has received the 2021 American Marketing Association/Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award. The award is presented to a Journal of Marketing article that has “made the most significant contribution to the advancement of the practice of marketing” for the calendar year. The article will be honored at the 2022 AMA Summer Academic Conference in August.

Frank Germann
Germann received the award for his paper, “Do Marketers Matter for Entrepreneurs? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Uganda,” co-authored with Stephen J. Anderson from the University of Texas at Austin, Pradeep Chintagunta from the University of Chicago and Naufel Vilcassim from the London School of Economics. The study was featured in the special issue, “Better Marketing for a Better World.” It found that marketers can help entrepreneurs in emerging markets grow their businesses, which in turn helps them to improve lives, sustain livelihoods, enhance overall living standards and strengthen societies.
In discussing the impact of the article, the H. Paul Root Award Selection Committee noted, “We are delighted to recognize Steve, Pradeep, Frank and Naufel as winners of this prestigious award. This paper ticks all the boxes: it addresses a fundamental marketing question in an entrepreneurial context that matters for millions of people living in poverty. We admired the powerful causal evidence of entrepreneurship as a tool to fight poverty in Uganda, and for bringing marketing to the table.”
Germann was also awarded the 2021 Varadarajan Award for Early Career Contributions, which is presented annually by the AMA’s Marketing Strategy Special Interest Group. The award aims to recognize the contributions of a marketing faculty member who has completed 10 or fewer years after receipt of her or his doctoral degree. Germann’s research interests are in marketing strategy, specifically how marketing actions, marketing personnel and marketing assets influence firm performance.
To read more about Germann and his accomplishments, click here.