You had one job: Meet the firm behind the Oscars’ biggest blunder
Published: February 27, 2017 / Author: CNN
Before Sunday night, PricewaterhouseCoopers was known to the general public for one thing — counting Academy Awards ballots. Now it’s known for the most epic blunder in the history of the awards.
Excerpt: The mistake will do some lasting damage to PwC’s reputation said James O’Rourke, professor of management at Notre Dame.
“The error was quickly corrected, but the damage will last for years,” he said. “PwC is likely to be tarred with this event as the punch line to every joke involving a less-than-fully-competent accounting firm.”
O’Rourke expects that PwC will lose its Oscar gig, which started in 1935. If so, it would be more a loss of prestige than anything else, since it’s a tiny part of the firm’s business.
“It’s one of the most fun jobs I think you can have being an accountant,” Cullinan said in the video.
Read the entire story on the CNN website.
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